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LifeBar question.

6 posters

When watching Mugen fights, do you prefer to see the life bars?

LifeBar question.  Vote_lcap89%LifeBar question.  Vote_rcap 89% [ 8 ]
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1LifeBar question.  Empty LifeBar question. Thu Jul 28, 2022 2:27 pm



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Personally, I feel there are some merits for either side. I am curious about others' input.

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2LifeBar question.  Empty Re: LifeBar question. Fri Jul 29, 2022 2:39 am



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As a screenpack creator, from my personal point of view I like to see the full Mugen HUD in the video because those are the parts that are interesting to me, the design, the look, and the style or mood it adds to the battle.
Also I like to observe other peoples designs to see what does work and what does not work well for creation and layout on the screen.

But despite this, I agree that there there are multiple ways to create entertaining Mugen videos and using both Lifebar based fights, and NON lifebar fights can be entertaining.
My personal thought about it is, that if the video does not have the Fight.def interface enabled, the fight itself should be not just a regular mugen fight with default effects, but instead it should be more like a flash animation with entertaining story and text during the battle, or even camera editing and other cutscene things so the video feels more like deathbattle, or something that isnt just normal old mugen.

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3LifeBar question.  Empty Re: LifeBar question. Fri Jul 29, 2022 3:36 am



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✴Ex-Sirius✴ wrote:As a screenpack creator, from my personal point of view I like to see the full Mugen HUD in the video because those are the parts that are interesting to me, the design, the look, and the style or mood it adds to the battle.
Also I like to observe other peoples designs to see what does work and what does not work well for creation and layout on the screen.

But despite this, I agree that there there are multiple ways to create entertaining Mugen videos and using both Lifebar based fights, and NON lifebar fights can be entertaining.
My personal thought about it is, that if the video does not have the Fight.def interface enabled, the fight itself should be not just a regular mugen fight with default effects, but instead it should be more like a flash animation with entertaining story and text during the battle, or even camera editing and other cutscene things so the video feels more like deathbattle, or something that isnt just normal old mugen.

I've been experimenting recently with doing the no life bar fights and I thought they brought a different level of immersion and frankly thought it was the only way to go forward. I appreciate this insight from a creators pov really shows how much more I need to think about my fights before I display them.

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4LifeBar question.  Empty Re: LifeBar question. Fri Jul 29, 2022 6:04 am



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Lifebars all the way for me man!
When it comes to mugen videos on yourube, there are literally 100s uploaded every week !
And let's be honest, most of them are total rubbish lol.
Ronald vs KFC, and 1000 KOF videos of the same stuff over and over.
Then the same old same old POTs mugen fights.

TO be a successful mugentuber you need to have videos people will watch over and over.
Its easy to make a video with 300 views, but to hit over 2k on a video you either need massive fanbase, or extremely unique content nobody else has seen or has to be original and unique!

The true trick of success is having original content, thats why I guess many come to us to have lifebar commissions and stage commissions etc because they want one off unique syuff made to make their mugen special and eye catching idk lol.
But yeah, either you have to have extremely unique chars, or extremely unique lifebars to have awesome videos in my opinion.
Or a good story and good matchup.The more attractve the onscreen content the better

LifeBar question.  39617182812_da9b58ffc9_o

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5LifeBar question.  Empty Re: LifeBar question. Fri Jul 29, 2022 10:14 am



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Phant0mD wrote:Lifebars all the way for me man!
When it comes to mugen videos on yourube, there are literally 100s uploaded every week !
And let's be honest, most of them are total rubbish lol.
Ronald vs KFC, and 1000 KOF videos of the same stuff over and over.
Then the same old same old POTs mugen fights.

TO be a successful mugentuber you need to have videos people will watch over and over.
Its easy to make a video with 300 views, but to hit over 2k on a video you either need massive fanbase, or extremely unique content nobody else has seen or has to be original and unique!

The true trick of success is having original content, thats why I guess many come to us to have lifebar commissions and stage commissions etc because they want one off unique syuff made to make their mugen special and eye catching idk lol.
But yeah, either you have to have extremely unique chars, or extremely unique lifebars to have awesome videos in my opinion.
Or a good story and good matchup.The more attractve the onscreen content the better

That's something to think about. I appreciate your feedback.

6LifeBar question.  Empty Re: LifeBar question. Sat Jul 30, 2022 2:59 am

-Metal SK-

-Metal SK-

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Thats a really good question of discussion that I never think about actually...
But maybe I think it is because I'm used to always seeing lifebars in a mugen video and not really without it.

So I guess, my feeling is for mugen fights the lifebar is best because you can see the damage.
And also I agree with the PgantomD and the others that it needs to be a really cool looking special lifebar, like these kinds on the video and pictures. I get bored of the legacy screenpack and add004 ones and some we always see the youtubers use same ones but these designs reall make the video amazing to watch

But There is a cool type of fight like mugen without lifebar using the flash animation, but you cant really make it as cool as this in a normal mugen fights:

LifeBar question.  5a600110_800x600

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7LifeBar question.  Empty Re: LifeBar question. Sat Jul 30, 2022 8:54 pm



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I like to see the lifebars its a fighting game of course otherwise you have no idea whats going on, but there are some screenpacks I have grown very tired of seeing overused in videos.
Also I prefer the powerbars on the bottom of the screen for 2D games and at the top for 3D games if thats any help.

LifeBar question.  FXzcO3r

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8LifeBar question.  Empty Re: LifeBar question. Sat Jul 30, 2022 10:48 pm



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SuperWhiskey wrote:I like to see the lifebars its a fighting game of course otherwise you have no idea whats going on, but there are some screenpacks I have grown very tired of seeing overused in videos.
Also I prefer the powerbars on the bottom of the screen for 2D games and at the top for 3D games if thats any help.

That actually does help, I want to hear others' opinions on the matter. Personally, I think it really depends on the fight. If enough immersive effects are happening on the screen at the same time, I think it allows you to see more of what's happening even if it's a standard fight.

9LifeBar question.  Empty Re: LifeBar question. Tue Aug 02, 2022 6:36 am



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Custom 1 of a kind Lifebars 100%
Thats what pulls the big views bro.
Get some dope lifebars made like I did lol.

LifeBar question.  KwiHzMC

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