I was working on this stage.
![AIRSHIP CRASH 1.1 Screen12](https://i.servimg.com/u/f44/20/40/13/26/screen12.jpg)
![AIRSHIP CRASH 1.1 Screen13](https://i.servimg.com/u/f44/20/40/13/26/screen13.jpg)
Some characters projectiles get stuck at the stage or stay continuous hitting.
Weirdly, i have a stage with the same style boundaries that projectiles actually end where there suppose to be. Any help would be nice.
name = "Ace"
displayname = AIRSHIP CRASH
mugenversion = 1.1
author = "AceMillion"
startx = 0
starty = 0
boundleft = -288
boundright = 288
boundhigh = -600
boundlow = 0
tension = 50
verticalfollow = .70
floortension = 50
tension = 60
overdrawhigh = 120
overdrawlow = 120
startzoom = 1
zoomin = 0.8
zoomout = 0.4
;--- Player 1 ---
;Player 1 starting coordinates.
p1startx = -700 ;Starting x coordinates
p1starty = 0 ;Starting y coordinates
p1facing = 1 ;Direction player faces: 1=right, -=left
;--- Player 2 ---
p2startx = 1200
p2starty = 0
p2facing = -1
;--- Player 3 ---
p3startx = -300
p3starty = 0
p3facing = 1
;--- Player 4 ---
p4startx = 300
p4starty = 0
p4facing = -1
;--- Common ---
leftbound = -1200
rightbound = 1200
screenleft = 20
screenright = 20
zoffset = 850
autoturn = 1
resetBG = 0
localcoord = 1425,1425
![AIRSHIP CRASH 1.1 Screen12](https://i.servimg.com/u/f44/20/40/13/26/screen12.jpg)
![AIRSHIP CRASH 1.1 Screen13](https://i.servimg.com/u/f44/20/40/13/26/screen13.jpg)
Some characters projectiles get stuck at the stage or stay continuous hitting.
Weirdly, i have a stage with the same style boundaries that projectiles actually end where there suppose to be. Any help would be nice.
name = "Ace"
displayname = AIRSHIP CRASH
mugenversion = 1.1
author = "AceMillion"
startx = 0
starty = 0
boundleft = -288
boundright = 288
boundhigh = -600
boundlow = 0
tension = 50
verticalfollow = .70
floortension = 50
tension = 60
overdrawhigh = 120
overdrawlow = 120
startzoom = 1
zoomin = 0.8
zoomout = 0.4
;--- Player 1 ---
;Player 1 starting coordinates.
p1startx = -700 ;Starting x coordinates
p1starty = 0 ;Starting y coordinates
p1facing = 1 ;Direction player faces: 1=right, -=left
;--- Player 2 ---
p2startx = 1200
p2starty = 0
p2facing = -1
;--- Player 3 ---
p3startx = -300
p3starty = 0
p3facing = 1
;--- Player 4 ---
p4startx = 300
p4starty = 0
p4facing = -1
;--- Common ---
leftbound = -1200
rightbound = 1200
screenleft = 20
screenright = 20
zoffset = 850
autoturn = 1
resetBG = 0
localcoord = 1425,1425