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Information Needed on Uno Tag/Add004!

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1Information Needed on Uno Tag/Add004! Empty Information Needed on Uno Tag/Add004! Tue Jan 04, 2022 7:32 am



Information Needed on Uno Tag/Add004! 49241500477_6b04bc7f46_o
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Hey Folks! I'm wondering about Uno Tag and if it can be implemented/Patched into a Massive roster(1000 +). I notice that certain characters in my roster when teamed up end up entering into this Tag system where one goes into the background while the other does battle. Unfortunately the teammate never gets tagged back in and only returns after the other losses all HP. I also notice that alot of characters now have a separate Uno Tag .Def File and it gives me alot of thoughts.

Additonally to the first question im wondering if changes made to characters regular .Def File can easily be pasted into The Uno Tag .Def File.
As well is it possible to switch it off, Like Sometimes you can make everyone just battle together as well you can go the team route. Which Type do you guys prefer? Ive never tried Uno Tag Mugen But it does look like it could be fun. Nervous

Is Add004 just a mugen UnoTag kind of engine or screenpack? i always see the same lifebar so im not sure lol



Information Needed on Uno Tag/Add004! 52799406974_3658a59cb2_o
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i would not recommend uno tag in my experience.
I would stick with add004.
Its a learning curve to get it working but once its done its pretty straight forward.
explaining things is my weak point thats why i pay others to do hard stuff for me lol.
But ADD004 is definitely the way to go because you just patch auto all your characters and they work.

Information Needed on Uno Tag/Add004! KwiHzMC

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