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Confess your Christmas spending schedule

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1Confess your Christmas spending schedule Empty Confess your Christmas spending schedule Tue Nov 23, 2021 7:51 pm



Confess your Christmas spending schedule 52697050446_f068e68a44_o
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Confess your Christmas spending schedule 7wrvbuV

Ho ho ho!
Christmas season is almost here again!
I dont know about you ladz, but just curious what is your spending schedule for Xmas?
Do you save some cash aside during the year for christmas and the holidays, or do you just spend what ever you have available?
Do you spend alot, or only on gifts?
Do you end up still cash in povket in the new year, or are you broke by January 1st waiting for work to start again?
Let us know!

Confess your Christmas spending schedule 39617182812_da9b58ffc9_o



Confess your Christmas spending schedule 52681694001_b0aaf96472_o
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I spend big bro. Mostly cuz I got a wife and kids. Lol! Got'em the ps5. That alone was crazy. I guess I just spend what's available.

Confess your Christmas spending schedule 0hGNWik

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I don't spend much on gifts. Moved around a lot last year. Finally found a permanent place this year so I've been trying to get some semblance of normalcy. Bought some furniture (bookcase, computer case, bed, dresser). Still not quite done yet. Would still like a couch for the office, something low key but cool. Wouldn't mind another shelf too for all my games. I might spend some money on games. I haven't decided yet. I don't celebrate Christmas too much as I've spent most of my 20s working in retail and pretty much ruined any sort of love I had for the holidays except Halloween. Still my favorite.

Knighted Palettus, maximus the 3rd



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I deeeeefinitely fall into that category of people who spend ALOT around xmas and leading up to it and end up doing the sad dance of the lost wallet by the time New years is over =(
I am the chief prezzles squirel for my mom dad and brother and I usually help with the final nightmare supermarket run every year @_@ so by the time all teh unwrapping and eating is done



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Personally I start to set money aside in the latter half of the year because I have many family birthdays all around the same time near christmas so it becomes quite a taxing time for me.
I try to do very little activities in November and use that cash to supplement me through december.
Alcohol and food is a big part of culture where I am from and the celebrations around christmas so of course it is natural I spend much more than normal

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Confess your Christmas spending schedule WEOuZsG



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I have 2 more presents left to buy.
One for family and one for friends.
On average I spend a total of $400 every year on gifts for direct family and closest friends

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