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What ya all doing to keep motivated?

Filthy Fredo
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1What ya all doing to keep motivated? Empty What ya all doing to keep motivated? Thu May 13, 2021 2:39 am



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I'm a talker, I can't help it... 2021 is in and what are you all doing to keep busy? I'm brainstorming trying to help my sister get her project going. Which is fun when we get over the disagreeing bits.

2What ya all doing to keep motivated? Empty Re: What ya all doing to keep motivated? Thu May 13, 2021 10:25 am



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whats your sisters prjoect? Tell us more!

As far as motivation goes, me personally im of the david goggins school of thought if youve heard of him lol. If not, google and youll be either shocked or inspired lol.

For me, and most the talented creatives i know personally, i find that motivation isnt really a factor in progress or workload output. And personally i dont really believe in motivation.

Motivation = Motive + activation. Meaning you are only acting on something with an incentive to do so.
DRIVE on the other hand means you are doing something that you want to truly do from your core being regardless of the tangible merit.
A world class athlete or a world renowned artist will do what they do not from being motivated, but because there is an autopilot mode/burning obsession in them to do something without the need of external stimulus. Its either something you are born with or build in yourself over time through upbringing, your environment and the need to survive or repitition.

If that makes sense lol

What ya all doing to keep motivated? 39617182812_da9b58ffc9_o

3What ya all doing to keep motivated? Empty Re: What ya all doing to keep motivated? Fri May 14, 2021 1:26 am



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Phant0mD wrote:whats your sisters prjoect? Tell us more!

As far as motivation goes, me personally im of the david goggins school of thought if youve heard of him lol. If not, google and youll be either shocked or inspired lol.

For me, and most the talented creatives i know personally, i find that motivation isnt really a factor in progress or workload output. And personally i dont really believe in motivation.

Motivation = Motive + activation. Meaning you are only acting on something with an incentive to do so.
DRIVE on the other hand means you are doing something that you want to truly do from your core being regardless of the tangible merit.
A world class athlete or a world renowned artist will do what they do not from being motivated, but because there is an autopilot mode/burning obsession in them to do something without the need of external stimulus. Its either something you are born with or build in yourself over time through upbringing, your environment and the need to survive or repitition.

If that makes sense lol

I looked up David Goggins and you're right shocked or inspired. I was shocked xD. I guess that makes sense.... a little to my groggy mind lol.

Well, my sister is working on a game and she's been crashing hard lately... Severe writers block sort of. She can't move forward without taking 8 steps back. She asked me to help her out, now i'm on her team... We're starting from scratch, and it can get stressful, so I took up a hobby. Mugen! And my short journey lead me here. In other words, i'll probably be typing here off and on for a bit. What ya all doing to keep motivated? 1f60b

4What ya all doing to keep motivated? Empty Re: What ya all doing to keep motivated? Sun May 16, 2021 12:26 am



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Gotta agree. It's drive that keeps me going. There is a bit of motivation in between. When I take something I've learned, tweek it a bit and apply it to create something that shows progression. Progression motivates me. And because progression is a continual thing, my motivation doesn't cease. So it becomes my drive. A perpetual cycle. And I've only scratched the surface of my potential...

What ya all doing to keep motivated? 0hGNWik

Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

5What ya all doing to keep motivated? Empty Re: What ya all doing to keep motivated? Thu May 27, 2021 3:46 pm



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lets see...Nope...Not motivated at all in relation to anything really (troll face).
It depends if we are talking hobbies or ourside the office and bedroom computer space haha.
because some things I don't need to be motivated for because I have no CHOICE BUT TO DO them like paying bills and car insurance :(

GamerG wrote:
Well, my sister is working on a game and she's been crashing hard lately... Severe writers block sort of. She can't move forward without taking 8 steps back. She asked me to help her out, now i'm on her team... We're starting from scratch, and it can get stressful, so I took up a hobby. Mugen! [/img]

she's creating a mugen game aswell? Or is it just you? Or is she using another sotware app to make her game?

What ya all doing to keep motivated? P21sO8E

6What ya all doing to keep motivated? Empty Re: What ya all doing to keep motivated? Thu Jun 10, 2021 12:12 am

Filthy Fredo

Filthy Fredo

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So many questions and not alot of answers huh
Motivation is overrated if you ask me.
Attention span is very low now because of technology and internet media .
Its like kid in the sweets store with too many options so you can never find favorite treat because you are always eating 10 types.
I think its best to have one thing you focus on outside of work or school or else you will loose interest fast

The Cosmic frog will get you!
What ya all doing to keep motivated? JABb8Bu
Download My Mugen Stuff Here

7What ya all doing to keep motivated? Empty Re: What ya all doing to keep motivated? Thu Jun 10, 2021 1:30 am



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Interesting responses from everyone so far.

xXEnchanter.ZuXx wrote:she's creating a mugen game aswell? Or is it just you? Or is she using another sotware app to make her game?

She's using another software app. Epic engine. My head is swirling with all the stuff to learn, and it's not a mugen game... I haven't been able to post alot on here or play mugen.... I thought I could try stage creation. Some stages I want but so far don't exist yet in the mugen world. Alas nope. Too much to learn at once.

8What ya all doing to keep motivated? Empty Re: What ya all doing to keep motivated? Fri Jun 11, 2021 11:13 am



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GamerG wrote:

She's using another software app. Epic engine. My head is swirling with all the stuff to learn, and it's not a mugen game... I haven't been able to post alot on here or play mugen.... I thought I could try stage creation. Some stages I want but so far don't exist yet in the mugen world. Alas nope. Too much to learn at once.

I've never heard of Epic Engine. is there a link to its Dl page? I only know Unity and Unreal and of course Mugen.
Well as far as learning to make stuff I can relate. No time and also my skillset is limited so I just paid these guys to make stuff for me I wanted

What ya all doing to keep motivated? KwiHzMC

9What ya all doing to keep motivated? Empty Re: What ya all doing to keep motivated? Fri Jun 11, 2021 11:48 am



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CancerManXIII wrote:I've never heard of Epic Engine. is there a link to its Dl page? I only know Unity and Unreal and of course Mugen.
Well as far as learning to make stuff I can relate. No time and also my skillset is limited so I just paid these guys to make stuff for me I wanted

Epic engine is UE4. I just call it Epic engine. xD You mean I can ask someone to make the stages for me for a fee? Sounds interesting.

10What ya all doing to keep motivated? Empty Re: What ya all doing to keep motivated? Mon Jun 14, 2021 7:03 am

Vermilion Spy

Vermilion Spy

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GamerG wrote:

Epic engine is UE4. I just call it Epic engine. xD You mean I can ask someone to make the stages for me for a fee? Sounds interesting.

Quite a few people come to our forum to request commissions for mugen content like stages and the like.
There are quite a number of creations like characters, and stages, even full game designs that are exclusive one off designs made for members on request.
You can read about Mugen Commissions an how they work via the 4 part guide here:

What ya all doing to keep motivated? 39750191021_f709bd611c_o

11What ya all doing to keep motivated? Empty Re: What ya all doing to keep motivated? Wed Jun 23, 2021 4:04 pm



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Vermilion Spy wrote:
GamerG wrote:

Epic engine is UE4. I just call it Epic engine. xD You mean I can ask someone to make the stages for me for a fee? Sounds interesting.

Quite a few people come to our forum to request commissions for mugen content like stages and the like.
There are quite a number of creations like characters, and stages, even full game designs that are exclusive one off designs made for members on request.
You can read about Mugen Commissions an how they work via the 4 part guide here:

including myself lol

12What ya all doing to keep motivated? Empty Re: What ya all doing to keep motivated? Sat Dec 18, 2021 7:37 pm



What ya all doing to keep motivated? 49283912532_cb9be7ddac_o
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For me there is a bit of motivation, but there is drive as well. I look back at where I used to be and I have zero desire to go back and that motivation is the starting off point, but drive is what keeps me going and makes me look forward to the next thing. There's one other thing that helps and that's discipline. Sometimes shit sucks. No way around it. And you might feel like giving up because that motivation is no longer there, but the drive and the discipline are what keep me going.

Knighted Palettus, maximus the 3rd

13What ya all doing to keep motivated? Empty Re: What ya all doing to keep motivated? Fri Dec 24, 2021 2:32 pm



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it depends what i'm doing.
I read all the time and thats something i dont need much motivation for since I cant put a good book down once i pick it up. if that counts

What ya all doing to keep motivated? FXzcO3r

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