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Battle Tycoon Stages by Vegaz

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11.0/Older LR stage Battle Tycoon Stages by Vegaz Thu Jun 18, 2020 12:02 pm



Battle Tycoon Stages by Vegaz 52681694001_b0aaf96472_o
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Battle Tycoon Stages by Vegaz WZMwUID

Battle Tycoon Stages by Vegaz B9wOvrz


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I'm back on my SNES ish, bruh! This time I'm bringing you stages from a cool little fighter called Battle Tycoon: Flash Hiders FX. That name tho...Anyway they come with superjump, animations, parallax, looped bgm and zoom for the 1.1 versions. Speaking of those, I experimented with an odd resolution for those. Kinda reminiscent of the original game. That's why I didn't include photos and vids of them all cuz the 1.0 varies enough from the 1.1 versions that I felt I had to either showcase them all or just one of each type. I chose the later...enjoy!

Battle Tycoon Stages by Vegaz 0hGNWik

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