How do you make it so that you can have different player portraits for versus screen and select screen?
We're The Best At What We Do - Runnin' The Mugen Underground Since 2010. Underground M.U.G.E.N community specializing in advanced Quality Mugen content, Fanart, Graphics, Fighting Games & more.
;Big portraits
p1.face.spr = 9000,1
p1.face.offset = 10,397
p1.face.scale = .48,.48
p1.face.facing = 1
p1.face.window = 0,0, 755,960
p2.face.spr = 9000,1
p2.face.offset = 1271,68
p2.face.scale = .48,.48
p2.face.facing = -1
p2.face.window = 540,0, 1279,959
[VS Screen]
time = 150
fadein.time = 0
fadeout.time = 0
;Match text in arcade modes
match.text = "Match %i"
match.offset = 20, 709
match.font = 5,0,0
;Big portraits
p1.spr = 9000, 1
p1.offset = 60,200
p1.facing = 1
p1.scale = .5,.5
p1.window = 60,30, 539,589
p2.spr = 9000, 1
p2.offset = 517,220
p2.scale = .5,.5
I'm makin a Fighters MUGEN vol.2. Basically a updated but completely different version of my first SP.Chino wrote:What SP you making
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