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Metal band looking for a mugen team

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1Metal band looking for a mugen team Empty Metal band looking for a mugen team Thu Mar 26, 2020 9:31 am


Talk Of The Town (Wood)
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Hi, my name is Simon Charlier. I'm the guitar player of Sercati and The Nightstalker (metal bands)

I would like to ask few questions

We would like to adapt our universe in mugen game, but we didn't know anything about mugen game.

In our songs, we tell the story of a fallen angel (Our main character - The Nightstalker) who decided to descend on Earth and protect human of the demons of Lucifer. And we would like to know it's possible for someone to collaborate with us to made a mugen game about our characters and universe (sprite of the character and other). The universe is really good to made a versus fight game (each character has his own fight abilities)

We released 4 albums with Sercati and 4 albums with The Nightstalker about this universe and we wrote 1 book about the adventure of The Nightstalker.

Whe have also released a comic book and a movie about our main character.

Here is our links

If you want to help us in this try. It will be a pleasure for us.

Unfortunately we are not able to pay for the devellopement, it's just a proposition if you're looking for a universe for a future mugen game / characters. And we will spread throught our labels.

Have a nice day

2Metal band looking for a mugen team Empty Re: Metal band looking for a mugen team Fri Mar 27, 2020 12:11 am



Metal band looking for a mugen team 51937087073_50975dcb2f_o
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Mugen is a 2D Fightin game engine that uses image files that we call "sprites" to create characters, stages, game layouts and menus.
When all of these image files are added together and then mugen coding is applied, they create a fighting game.

However what you first must know about mugen, is that the "sprites" and artwork are the things you need first before you can create anything.

We usually use sprites from existing video games, or pay artists to create character sprites for us so we can code them into our games.

Before you can create a game, you need to acquire sprites of your stages and characters and game layout.
Then a mugen coder can put it all together for you, or you can learn to code it yourself.

But for the sprites, this is something that you dont get from the mugen community itself, you have to get them from artists, sprite websites, or pay artists to create them for you.
And I am guessing that your characters dont exist yet which means you will have a hard time getting anyone to create sprites for free.
Normally we pay spriters to commission original characters. But it can be expensive since the average character has atleast 700 - 1500+ frames of movement

3Metal band looking for a mugen team Empty Re: Metal band looking for a mugen team Sun Mar 29, 2020 3:07 am



Metal band looking for a mugen team 52117799409_ab650ff4e9_o
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✴Ex-Sirius✴ wrote:But for the sprites, this is something that you dont get from the mugen community itself, you have to get them from artists, sprite websites, or pay artists to create them for you.

yeeeep. Basically this. Unless you were a visual shack rock rockband like Black veil brides with a cult like following, it will be hard to get anyone to want to sprite you guys for free since you're are literally talking 100s of hours just creating one set of original sprites, let alone code all the characters...

I would suggest maybe learning some spriting as a side hustle. Hell, even I wish I could sprite and we do have spriters on this site actually but just drawing one static sprite alone is a slow process hence money would have to be involved in commissioning the art i'm guessing bros

Metal band looking for a mugen team P21sO8E

4Metal band looking for a mugen team Empty Re: Metal band looking for a mugen team Mon Mar 30, 2020 4:01 am

Filthy Fredo

Filthy Fredo

Metal band looking for a mugen team 51631106195_34e64106bd_o
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Sercati wrote:
Unfortunately we are not able to pay for the development, it's just a proposition if you're looking for a universe for a future mugen game / characters. And we will spread through our labels.

Not to be the stick in the mud here, but I watched a fes of your vids ( i just checked the one with the most views on it) and I would say before making cartoons or games of yourselves, you may want to relook at your image first or else you gonna get lost in the sea of black metal bands we already have out there.

Ive spent time in Denmark and Norway so I know about the Black and death scenes there and you guys would get drowned out by the infinite sea of bands with long hair and black long sleeve shirts unless you have an original gimmick or look that makes you stand out.

Work on your image first then your cartoon characters and game chars will be more interesting to people and people may WANT to make you for free.

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