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Complete Beginners Guide to Mugen - Part 2 - Before Downloading Mugen...

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Complete Beginners Guide to Mugen - Part 2 - Before Downloading Mugen... RjBqV68
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Complete Beginners Guide to Mugen - Part 2 - Before Downloading Mugen... 49581928511_b6dce3614e_o

In part 1 we covered the history of Mugen and how it evolved from a DOS application to the current Windows build of mugen 1.1.
From 1999 to 2013, three major versions of mugen have been released.
Although Mugen 1.1 is the flagship version, all previous builds/versions of Mugen still circulate the internet due to the content warehousing culture of the community.
Which brings us to the next topic - know THIS before downloading ANY build of Mugen!

Complete Beginners Guide to Mugen - Part 2 - Before Downloading Mugen... 49581527263_48d939008a_o

Choosing the correct version of mugen to download, logic would suggest, would mean downloading the latest official build right?
For a beginner just starting out in mugen and trying to figure out what they should download, unfortunately this is where the confusion begins.
Within the mugen community itself, there is mass misinformation, misconception and ignorance on the issue.

Depending on who/where you ask this question, you will receive multiple answers.
Some people will tell you to download Mugen 1.0, others will suggest Winmugen, and the same for Mugen 1.1.

In 2013, Elecbyte released their most up to date version of  mugen - Mugen 1.1b, also called Mugen 1.1 beta release 1.
Of its many updates and improvements, 3 major enhancements differentiate it from all of its predecessors:

OpenGL Rendering support - Uses the processing power and VRAM of a GPU (graphics card) to render like modern PC games.
Optional Zooming feature - characters and environments zoom in or out based on movement and position like popular commercial fighting games.
32bit PNG Image support - Accepts 8/16/32 bit PNG images with transparency as sprites rather than downgraded 8bit color lossy pcx image files.

Complete Beginners Guide to Mugen - Part 2 - Before Downloading Mugen... 49581928491_265a8a78ec_o

In summary, 1.1 is superior to 1.0 in every way because you can do everything on 1.1 that you can do on 1.0.
However "purists" or mugen users who failed to transition to Mugen 1.0 in 2011, or Mugen 1.1 in 2013, have flooded the internet
with misinformation and groundless non fact-based statements regarding the differences between the 3 versions of the engine.

There are infact countless threads on every major mugen forum dedicated purely to users debating amongst one another over which version
is the best or most "stable".
Considering all the available information, tutorials, documentation and blatantly visible differences, there is still mass ignorance
and misinformation among the mugen community which leads to users downloading older or inferior versions of the engine

Complete Beginners Guide to Mugen - Part 2 - Before Downloading Mugen... F1Drv7m

Of all the false statements made regarding Mugen 1.1, the only 2 statements that remotely resembled fact.
One user reported a sound bug in the main menu with sound being cut off for less than half a second during transitions from screen to screen. This however was proven not to be a bug and instead just a change in how 1.1 handles long bgm files during menu changes.
Secondly was a comment regarding projectiles not working in 1.1, but again a null argument, just coding on said chars not being up to date for 1.1 and its zooming features - all things easily understood by reading tutorials and documentation files for character creation.

If you always used 1.0 and dont want new features, then dont migrate
If you want all that cool shit and arent scared to get your hands dirty upgrading coding on some stuff etc, go to 1.1

SO to conclude part 2, ONLY DOWNLOAD MUGEN 1.1.
Understand that there are users that just want to stay stuck using mugen 1.0 or older versions due to misinformation, or lack of knowledge.
Don't be one of those people!

Complete Beginners Guide to Mugen - Part 2 - Before Downloading Mugen... 37790345872_ebfeb58d10_o

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