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Lifebar Resolution Help with Add004

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1Lifebar Resolution Help with Add004 Empty Lifebar Resolution Help with Add004 Mon Jan 07, 2019 11:25 am


Lifebar Resolution Help with Add004 49283851498_0631820187_o
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Hey, everyone in NewAgeMugen it's nice to meet you. I was pointed in your direction because I heard you had some IKEMEN experience. So I came to ask you any IKEMEN related questions. So my two questions being is that I'm currently using the Add004 tag patch, I came across it while looking for some lifebars that would go well for my IKEMEN (I'm currently porting the Legacy Screenpack to IKEMEN so people can utilize IKEMEN features with this SP). So once I got my hands on Add004 and installed the lifebar, I changed my IKEMEN's resolution to the same resolution of LEGACY that being 1280x720. But it doesn't fill up the screen to match the resolution that's been set for it, there's an Add004 240p lifebar with a resolution of 320x180, while I'm using the 720p Add004 lifebar with a resolution of 1280x720. I have a screenshot of this issue for this issue just so you can directly see what's happening. And my 2nd question has to do with the tag system of Add004, I have it working when it comes to assists and everything else, but when I tag out to my 2nd character I'm unable to control them despite having the options set to "Tag" and not "Assist".I have all the files needed for Add004 where my IKEMEN.exe is, so I can' t seem to figure out why this is happening, so I'd appreciate any help you can give. Thank you.

Lifebar Resolution Help with Add004 U4J2F1o


2Lifebar Resolution Help with Add004 Empty Re: Lifebar Resolution Help with Add004 Thu Jan 10, 2019 9:52 pm



Lifebar Resolution Help with Add004 RjBqV68
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Hello qrowsilver

Newagemugen doesn't support IKEMEN/IKEMEN Plus/IKEMEN GO at present.
There are still many bugs present and it is not an 100% backwards compatible port/clone of Mugen 1.1.

Until it can fully emulate the Mugen 1.1 engine and lower without any compatibility issues/bugs etc, we will not be supporting it.

However k4thos who is currently working on the engine may have some help for you in his thread.

You can maybe try asking this question here:

Lifebar Resolution Help with Add004 37790345872_ebfeb58d10_o

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