- Editors Notes:
This is an edit of !E's Ride On stage.
Only for 1.1 and Widescreen.
Stages for Mugen 1.1
Original Stage by !E. Edited by Devon
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Install Notes
-NOTE: This stage works in MUGEN 1.1, other MUGEN versions are untested
-Place .def and .sff files inside your /stages/ directory, find your own music.
-Add it to your select.def
==What is this?
This is an edit of !E's Ride On stage, made because I wanted to edit this stage.
==Why did you make this?
I had an itch that needed to be scratched.
==How did you make this?
Replaced graphics, edited deltas, made the grass parallaxed, it kinda works.
==Why MUGEN 1.1?
tbh I don't have any other version on my laptop and I'm too lazy to download other versions.
==Can I use code/graphics?
None of the graphics were mine from the start.
==Can I edit your stage?
==Can I make a video of your work?
Please go ahead. Here's a link to my youtube page if you want to link to it: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
Here's a page to my MugenGuild profile if you want to link to that:
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Or my website:
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Please make sure to also credit !E.
==Are you willing to collaborate?
Not really, not on stages. Sorry.
- Stage Release
!E - Original Stage
Sprite-FX - Extra sprites
Shiyo Kakuge - Again I used his sakura code
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