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I was told I could find help here

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1 I was told I could find help here Empty I was told I could find help here Mon Sep 03, 2018 6:20 pm



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I was recomended by ARIKAFGC on youtube to come here and show off this mvc build I did the screenpack and I have personally went in and edited many of the character's buggy crap or broken crap, or made thembetter etc.  I need someone to help me make it into a IKEMEN because I want to fight everyone on this dope ass game. the Mugen community needs ONLINE play, I need some help with the converting to IKEMEN, If someone can do that part, I made screenpack, edit all chars and stages, I even make some chars and stages.. But if someone can convert what I have made into Ikeman compatible I'd be so thankful and we could finally get some online play going for all of us.  I just wanted to discuss this first

CAPCOM vs SNK 3 - opening intro - the BEST of the BEST.

2 I was told I could find help here Empty Re: I was told I could find help here Tue Sep 04, 2018 1:03 am



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Found this in another thread bro, dunno if it helps tho.

NAMTron wrote:
Newagemugen doesn't support IKEMEN/IKEMEN Plus/IKEMEN GO at present.
There are still many bugs present and it is not an 100% backwards compatible port/clone of Mugen 1.1.
Until it can fully emulate the Mugen 1.1 engine and lower without any compatibility issues/bugs etc, we will not be supporting it.
However k4thos who is currently working on the engine may have some help for you in his thread.
You can maybe try asking this question here:

But if you need any help on making a fly ass mugen screenpack tho I may be down.
I haves some feedback that may help you for the game itself you may wanna look into before adding it to ikemen:

- Main menu top & bottom text graphics taken from an already existing screenpack. Should be replaced with some original graphics
- SP is using Default Add004 lifebars rather than original/MVC themed lifebars or original lifebars
- Char portraits badly cropped/using bad sprites on many chars. should all be redone or made to match in style or use better quality pngs etc
- Stages very inconsistent. Some stages have super high jump, some don't.
- Character hitsparks too inconsistent - hitsparks should all match and use fightfx.sff rather than own built in sprites.
(refer to ikemen Capcom x snk project by rei seiryuu)

If you can fix all that stuff, it will make it a real full game and just not a compilation like everyone else does, and I'm guessing you want a cool ass game not a lame crapilation like these other mugen archive leecher noobz all be doin.

hope that helps Thumbs Up

3 I was told I could find help here Empty Re: I was told I could find help here Tue Sep 04, 2018 6:00 am

Vermilion Spy

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I would personally stay away from IKEMEN atm. It seems very confusing and some stuff just dont seem to work. And by confusing I mean that there were already 3 versions when I last looked at it: IKEMEN, IKEMEN Plus, and IKEMEN GO....Now theres a fork of the work Kathos did called Go PLus!? IDK im so lost

Also i believe that there are completely different people working on it now using Googles GO language.
There is an MFG thread about the new version here:

 I was told I could find help here 39750191021_f709bd611c_o

4 I was told I could find help here Empty Re: I was told I could find help here Sun Sep 16, 2018 5:00 pm



 I was told I could find help here 49283851498_0631820187_o
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All those things you mentioned are all COSMETIC issues.  What is more important is the game play working out and if everyone can Combo and do supers and not bug the game out.

 Do we want another game like CVS Universe by Rei Seiryu where COSMETICALLY the game looks beautiful but game play wise it was hardly worked on, it was more focused on "THE LOOK".  

To me, this is the LAST of my worries, this game plays like a solid MVC you have to get past the "add004" bars and hits parks for that doesn't effect the game play whatsoever.

Most my work in editing goes towards fixing things that has to do with gameplay

So personally idgaf if you can't see past that it IS and WILL be a compilation of mugen's greatest MVC chars and all I've done is made em play more accurately.

It's best to drop the idea right now that I'm gonna make a "full original game where I make everything from scratch" if people wanna make some original lifebars and work on other cosmetic worries go right ahead I'm gonna be working on the characters working properly and comboing well

Ok! So I hear you guys out, IKEMEN sucks right now... so I propose we use PARSEC, I have it on my pc already and I can let others join and play on my pc if you also have PARSEC. I'll record our matches too

CAPCOM vs SNK 3 - opening intro - the BEST of the BEST.

5 I was told I could find help here Empty Re: I was told I could find help here Mon Sep 17, 2018 7:27 pm



 I was told I could find help here RjBqV68
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So you aren't using Ikemen now?

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6 I was told I could find help here Empty Re: I was told I could find help here Mon Sep 17, 2018 9:29 pm



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Pizzahighfive wrote:Do we want another game like CVS Universe by Rei Seiryu where COSMETICALLY the game looks beautiful but game play wise it was hardly worked on, it was more focused on "THE LOOK".

Hmmm I dunno about that one lol. that game just uses default Add004 and Tatsus stages - there wasn't an original screenpack or nothin. But some of ther coding was ok. But it was just custom POTs style

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7 I was told I could find help here Empty Re: I was told I could find help here Mon Sep 17, 2018 10:54 pm



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Pizzahighfive wrote:this game plays like a solid MVC

A very bold you have a test build? I would suggest letting someone like Beximus or Darkwolf13 or REDHOT test your game, or even some of the MFG MVC people as you will get some brutally honest feedback on how solid it is there I would imagine

Pizzahighfive wrote:Most my work in editing goes towards fixing things that has to do with gameplay

Would you be able to list in detail exactly what editing specifically you are doing and on which chars?

Pizzahighfive wrote:I'm gonna be working on the characters working properly and comboing well
Pizzahighfive wrote:What is more important is the game play working out and if everyone can Combo and do supers and not bug the game out.

It's not just about whether they can do "supers" and not cause bugs - the gameplay needs to be consistent for ALL the characters.
When you take a gang of random chars coded by diff authors, you will have massive inconsistencies - see the notes that REDHOT makes on his chars when he has to fix them all to be consistent to the MVC2 style gameplay.

For example:

- Do all the chars have same chain/jugle/zig zag and air juggle system?
- Are all the CLSNs for all chars and projectiles etc consistent?
- Are the HP/DEF/Meter gain and guage max rules all balanced and consistent for all chars?
- Are SJump/Dash/walkspeeds/liedown timings etc consistent for all chars?
- Is damage scaling balanced for all supers/normals etc?

This takes alot of work (refer to Darkwolf13 or REDHOTs MVC projects) so naturally we are skeptic of these kind of projects.

We are all character editors to some degree and editing chars in our own personal mugens is something we are all doing anyway, so for your project to have that WOW factor, it really has to offer us something that we don't already have, cant already do ourselves...if that makes sense.

Hope this feedback helps Thumbs Up

 I was told I could find help here P21sO8E

8 I was told I could find help here Empty Re: I was told I could find help here Fri Oct 05, 2018 6:10 am

Vermilion Spy

Vermilion Spy

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looks like this project is RIP or?

 I was told I could find help here 39750191021_f709bd611c_o

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