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Snowy Forest by Vegaz

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11.0/older Hi Res Stage Snowy Forest by Vegaz Thu Aug 23, 2018 11:43 am



Snowy Forest by Vegaz 52681694001_b0aaf96472_o
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Snowy Forest by Vegaz PoOVhOB

Snowy Forest by Vegaz HBnaobW


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Wuttup! Got a new original stage for ya. Comes with zoom, superjump, looped bgm and animations. Tbo, I'd like some feedback on how to make the 1.0 version better. It's a bit too dark and the fog tile isn't perfect. (1.0 sucks at tile imo) It's cool tho. Cop it anyway and enjoy.

Snowy Forest by Vegaz 0hGNWik

Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

21.0/older Hi Res Stage Re: Snowy Forest by Vegaz Thu Aug 23, 2018 6:45 pm



Snowy Forest by Vegaz 52117799409_ab650ff4e9_o
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Not bad, reminds me of Yoshimitsu stage on Tekken 6 just a little bit.

My only grizzy is that the animation on the snow particles (not the misty snow but the flakes) isn't very smooth, it seems a bit laggy or jumpy rather than flowy.

Ither than that, it's cold bruthah Dat behind (pun intended!)

Snowy Forest by Vegaz P21sO8E

31.0/older Hi Res Stage Re: Snowy Forest by Vegaz Fri Aug 24, 2018 3:06 pm



Snowy Forest by Vegaz 52681694001_b0aaf96472_o
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xXEnchanter.ZuXx wrote:Not bad, reminds me of Yoshimitsu stage on Tekken 6 just a little bit.

My only grizzy is that the animation on the snow particles (not the misty snow but the flakes) isn't very smooth, it seems a bit laggy or jumpy rather than flowy.

Ither than that, it's cold bruthah Dat behind  (pun intended!)

Lol! Thanks bruh. I may need ro adjust the speed of the snow. Or play around with the values in squirlez. Although imo the snow would be a bit wild if the wind is blowing roughly.

Snowy Forest by Vegaz 0hGNWik

Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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