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DE-MOLE-ITION v0.60 molebox unpacker tool (Updated 27.02.18)

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Vermilion Spy

Vermilion Spy

DE-MOLE-ITION v0.60 molebox unpacker tool (Updated 27.02.18) 51937087073_50975dcb2f_o
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DE-MOLE-ITION v0.60 is a molebox extraction tool that is used for extracting the assets inside moleboxed executables.

DE-MOLE-ITION v0.60 molebox unpacker tool (Updated 27.02.18) 6mKQjcj

This tool for example, can be useful in mugen for extracting characters, stages, and resources from moleboxed mugen fullgames such as KOF Wing, Marvel vs capcom Universe, KOF Shining, and many more.
Notes on the recent changes and link to the homepage of the software can all be found below.

February 2018 Updates

   -Hopefully solved the UI-freeze issues.
   -Fixed bug with certificates and overlays that I introduced few versions ago.
   -Fixed bug with multi-packed files
   -Main form shows that only Molebox v2.x is supported.
   -Improved loading speed for big files (100+ MB) and added warning for users.

DE-MOLE-ITION v0.60 molebox unpacker tool (Updated 27.02.18) 39750191021_f709bd611c_o

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