There are 3 criteria required to gain a Featured artists section:
01. Be nominated by staff or other members via this thread (must be unanimous decision by at least 1 senior staff/admin)
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
02. Be a member of the Newagemugen Cinema Network (optional.)
Members who are part of both will also have creative control over parts of the forum such as:
- A personalized animated banner linked to their youtube account
- Boosted view traffic, clicks and other SEO boosts associated with their content
- Customizable slogan on their personal featured artists thread.
- Rights to a personal Youtube video showcase thread in the cinema network members section
- Special shout outs, mentions, hyperlinks and more promotional perks during Newagemugen campaigns & releases
Important: Non Cinema network members can still have a featured artists section but will not have access to any of the custom/premium features.
Members of either groups are free to opt out at anytime.
Please note that if a member asks to be removed from either the Featured Artists section or cinema network, their content will not be deleted and instead will be moved to the Legacy archives/general videos section.
Last edited by NAMTron on Tue Aug 24, 2021 4:02 pm; edited 2 times in total