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CVS Yashiro Nanakase POTS/Infinite by Falcon Rapper UPDATE 1(08/06/2017)

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Vermilion Spy

Vermilion Spy

CVS Yashiro Nanakase POTS/Infinite by Falcon Rapper UPDATE 1(08/06/2017) 51937087073_50975dcb2f_o
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The char is in "POTS / Infinite" mode (cvs and sparks in HD, fights mode setup, see Config.txt) plus have some new punches (preserving all strokes of KOF char, of course) ...

Designed to be played on Mugen 1.0 or Mugen 1.1 (some settings prevent it from running in other versions)

What you have:

Adapted to be played with 6 buttons (3 for punch and 3 for kick)
- Moderate artificial intelligence
- 90 palettes (12 normal, 45 for "Normal Yashiro" mode and 45 for Yashiro Orochi mode, activating the selector in config.txt);
- All alpha style sparks POTS
- Scores based on version 97-98-2002
- Sounds based on version 98 and 2002 (you can change the voices in config.txt)
- Gameplay that can be changed in config.txt (activation of palette selector, aerial combos, etc.) ...
- All POTS / Infinite mode features (Parry, Custom Combo, etc.)
- It can be adapted to be played in the ADD004 mode (it can be activated as a helper and be changed during team mode / simul mode, needs to use add004pie.exe, it works without problems, either in the jump tag style or in the style "Running tag", tested on both)
- You can enable or disable LV2 Portrait, see "config.txt"

What is missing:

- Ending
- Transformation from Orochi mode to Normal mode (In progress ...)
- Correct errors that are found, otherwise nothing is missing, it is running good ...: P

Command List:


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