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Author Visions and Assistant's Desires

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1Author Visions and Assistant's Desires Empty Author Visions and Assistant's Desires Wed Jul 09, 2014 8:50 pm



Author Visions and Assistant's Desires 49283851498_0631820187_o
Heaven's Door (Silver)
Created 20 or more Unique Topics
★★Dark Master Of Fists★★
Newagemugen Member for over 10 Years
Rank Hunter (Bronze)
Obtained The Highest Tier 1 Initate Rank

For a long time, I've had the desire to make a new version of DC's Joker utilizing sprites from another version out there and adding some new stuff to it. The latter requires custom spriting which I cannot do, nor can I afford to hire a quality sprite artist to do. So this has been a WIP that has been on hold for months.

Yesterday, I receive a PM from someone on another forum (I'm not going to drop usernames or forum names) asking about the project after I wanted to restart it. I told him what I was dropping from the original and what I wanted to add. However, there was one thing I wanted to drop that suddenly became a deal breaker and lead to a going nowhere negotiation. The thing in question was a striker that involved the Penguin. In the original release, Penguin would slowly come onto the field and then launch a projectile attack that did minimal damage. I saw it as a high risk (Leaves Joker wide open to being attacked, plus Penguin was so slow to appear and attack it would be rendered useless), low reward (damage equal to that of a basic attack) type of move so it was more worth dropping than keeping. While discussing why I wanted to drop it, I showed my lack of memory regarding Joker/Penguin team-ups which along with my stance on keeping it lead to a war that made me look like the bad guy.

I explained myself, holding my stance, and got told I was harping. I wouldn't back down, and the continuous arguing I decided to drop Joker altogether and give it to him since he apparently had a better plan than I did. My only other options for trying to expand Joker's sprites are a thread at MFG that has little activity or spending money I don't have to get the sprites done.

I really wanted to give the people a modern-ish Joker with sprites that resembled his classic TAS appearance, but I guess it won't happen under me. So now, the only Jokers available are crap-tier or meh-tier. Have fun with those while I wait on sprites for my Classic Moon WIP.

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