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Backstreets of Brooklyn(Heavy D Stage) by Vegaz UPDATED!!!

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Backstreets of Brooklyn(Heavy D Stage) by Vegaz UPDATED!!! 52681694001_b0aaf96472_o
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Backstreets of Brooklyn(Heavy D Stage) by Vegaz UPDATED!!! Mugen113


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-Added darker/shadowed crowd
-Added window animations
-New custom bgm by ME!

The bgm is Heavy D's KOF 94 theme remixed with Lil Wayne and Jay Z's "Welcome to Brooklyn".


Backstreets of Brooklyn(Heavy D Stage) by Vegaz UPDATED!!! 0hGNWik

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Backstreets of Brooklyn(Heavy D Stage) by Vegaz UPDATED!!! OjtZ7W5
★★Thousand Dragon★★
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The stage itself is pretty frickin' cool. I love the concept.

The only things that stood out to me:

You have no floortension.
The Jay-Z poster is a cool and creative idea. It could use some better blending though, it looks oddly placed there.

Your sprites aren't cropped.

Also, I appreciate the effort on the BGM, but I personally couldn't do it, though i strongly dislike Lil Wayne.

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Backstreets of Brooklyn(Heavy D Stage) by Vegaz UPDATED!!! XqZWtLC



Backstreets of Brooklyn(Heavy D Stage) by Vegaz UPDATED!!! 52681694001_b0aaf96472_o
★★Thousand Dragon★★
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★★Dark Master Of Fists★★
Newagemugen Member for over 10 Years
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Apple Of The Eye (Platinum)
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Thanks GLB! I'm glad you dig it. I'll get adjust the flor tension and I might work with that JayZ poster. Might...

Thanks for appreciating the bgm. That means a lot to me, bro. Heh, but Lil Wayne stays. Lol! :dealwithit:

Thanks, homie.

Backstreets of Brooklyn(Heavy D Stage) by Vegaz UPDATED!!! 0hGNWik

Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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