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Super Mario Bros. 2 - Waterfall with bonus random BGMs

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Super Mario Bros. 2 - Waterfall with bonus random BGMs GlDVwFc
Death Note (Wood)
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★★Dark Master Of Fists★★
Newagemugen Member for over 10 Years

This release supports random BGMs made possible by a special plugin that currently only works in WinMugen, not 1.0.
See below for details.

Super Mario Bros. 2 - Waterfall with bonus random BGMs SuperMarioBros2-Waterfall

It's been a while since I released a stage that I had to put some actual work into.
I got the idea for this Saturday morning while watching a longplay of the NES version of the game.
With some encouragement from GLB, I decided to make the stage (with SNES sprites instead) and completed the stage Sunday morning.

This is a pretty custom stage, but as many things were done as accurately as possible, mostly concerning animation timings.

Stage download with the SNES version of the BGM included:
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As I mentioned, I was originally inspired by the NES version of the game.
Thanks to a neat plugin, I can have the NES song sometimes too. :Enjoyment:

To enable random BGMs you need to have the Nicious plugin installed in your WinMugen.
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] -->Mugen --> Music Plugin -->[DOWNLOAD v2.3.0]

This plugin uses a text file with a .rnd extension to list song options.
I've made a .rnd and have it setup to choose between the SNES, NES, and WillRockRemix versions of the song.

This download has the two extra songs and the .rnd file. Put these files in your WinMugen's sound folder:
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Then open up the stage's .def file and switch the ; from the first music line to the second like so:

;bgmusic = sound/SuperMarioBros2-WaterFall.rnd
bgmusic = sound/SuperMarioBros2-WaterFallSNES.mp3

bgmusic = sound/SuperMarioBros2-WaterFall.rnd
;bgmusic = sound/SuperMarioBros2-WaterFallSNES.mp3


Super Mario Bros. 2 - Waterfall with bonus random BGMs Iryvc
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Super Mario Bros. 2 - Waterfall with bonus random BGMs OjtZ7W5
★★Thousand Dragon★★
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Most annoying stage ever. A must download! Twisted Evil

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Super Mario Bros. 2 - Waterfall with bonus random BGMs XqZWtLC



Super Mario Bros. 2 - Waterfall with bonus random BGMs 52681694001_b0aaf96472_o
★★Thousand Dragon★★
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Random music...I must learn more about this. I. Can do so many things with an option like that. BTW, I guessing that the source game had the ground really high. But imo, it would look better lower. Although if the sprites don't permit, I guess you would have to edit them.

But I know the "sexy janitor" can handle that... Cheesin

Super Mario Bros. 2 - Waterfall with bonus random BGMs 0hGNWik

Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best



Super Mario Bros. 2 - Waterfall with bonus random BGMs OjtZ7W5
★★Thousand Dragon★★
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You should try the stage before you post, lol.

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Super Mario Bros. 2 - Waterfall with bonus random BGMs XqZWtLC



Super Mario Bros. 2 - Waterfall with bonus random BGMs 49283851498_0631820187_o
★★Thousand Dragon★★
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The Greatest Showman (Platinum)
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★★Dark Master Of Fists★★
Newagemugen Member for over 10 Years
Lord Of War (Gold)
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Awesome release Tamez. This stage is so extraordinary and creative.

Super Mario Bros. 2 - Waterfall with bonus random BGMs 9sILYWi
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Super Mario Bros. 2 - Waterfall with bonus random BGMs GlDVwFc
Death Note (Wood)
Created Your first Forum Topic
★★Dark Master Of Fists★★
Newagemugen Member for over 10 Years

Vegaz_Parrelli wrote:Random music...I must learn more about this. I. Can do so many things with an option like that. BTW, I guessing that the source game had the ground really high. But imo, it would look better lower. Although if the sprites don't permit, I guess you would have to edit them.

But I know the "sexy janitor" can handle that... Cheesin

Random music is nice. Works on Screenpacks too. You should try it.
And yes, you should try the stage before posting too. Evil or Very Mad

Dissidia wrote:Awesome release Tamez. This stage is so extraordinary and creative.

Thank you, thank you. :Megaman:

Super Mario Bros. 2 - Waterfall with bonus random BGMs Iryvc
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Super Mario Bros. 2 - Waterfall with bonus random BGMs 52681694001_b0aaf96472_o
★★Thousand Dragon★★
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★★Dark Master Of Fists★★
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Man...I had no idea. I've been wanting to do this for months. A offset that changes...I must study this. I've said that quit a few times but I don't always get to do it. This time, I'm gonna make SURE I do!

Outstanding, Tamez.


Super Mario Bros. 2 - Waterfall with bonus random BGMs 0hGNWik

Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best



Super Mario Bros. 2 - Waterfall with bonus random BGMs GlDVwFc
Death Note (Wood)
Created Your first Forum Topic
★★Dark Master Of Fists★★
Newagemugen Member for over 10 Years

Vegaz_Parrelli wrote:Man...I had no idea.
Of course you didn't. Cuz you didn't try the stage before posting. Evil or Very Mad

Vegaz_Parrelli wrote:Outstanding, Tamez.
Thanks! Twisted Evil

Super Mario Bros. 2 - Waterfall with bonus random BGMs Iryvc
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Super Mario Bros. 2 - Waterfall with bonus random BGMs 52681694001_b0aaf96472_o
★★Thousand Dragon★★
Posted over 1000 Messages
★★Dark Master Of Fists★★
Newagemugen Member for over 10 Years
The Greatest Showman (Platinum)
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Kindred Spirit (Bronze)
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Lord Of War (Gold)
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Apple Of The Eye (Platinum)
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:sandow:'re welcome.

Super Mario Bros. 2 - Waterfall with bonus random BGMs 0hGNWik

Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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