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We're The Best At What We Do - Runnin' The Mugen Underground Since 2010. Underground M.U.G.E.N community specializing in advanced Quality Mugen content, Fanart, Graphics, Fighting Games & more.
hey...school is starting to wind down...and i didnt have anything planned until i saw this stage...this is when i know you are improving as a creator Vegaz...youre stages are finally getting that "ooh, i gotta get that in my M.U.G.E.N." appeal...and your hard work is starting to pay off...
with that said....tag roulette #6 gotes back studyin'
Vegaz_Parrelli wrote:That Battle Royal was insane! That Chaos Dunk was right on time , bro. Like it was scripted or something!
3v3 and 4v4 patches!
(please brawl responsively)
yea yo...this really opened my eye on stuff...definitely story potential with these patches...now if there was a way i could make it 1 vs 3....or 2 vs 4....or....you see where im goin with this :Cosby:
Posts : 1708 Reputation : 11 Join date : 2012-02-24
Yo them joints was tight! Funny you should make one with Genjuro. I got a stage I'm working on that would make a great battle ground for one of your vidz. Specifically versus Basara. I'll holla atcha...
Posts : 2284 Reputation : 18 Join date : 2011-04-20
Vegaz_Parrelli wrote:Yo them joints was tight! Funny you should make one with Genjuro. I got a stage I'm working on that would make a great battle ground for one of your vidz. Specifically versus Basara. I'll holla atcha...
workin on the big anni vid that i usually do around this time...suprisingly i squeezed in this suprisingly quick one and yes im just finding out the greatness that is "Infinite"
Posts : 1466 Reputation : 35 Join date : 2012-10-25
I remember when INFINITE was doing so poorly with these patches, and now he has insanely improved. Awesome video DOWX, why haven't I subscribed to you yet.
side note... (due to the fact that its the 1st vid since...ya kno) whoever nominated me i believe it was MP...its flattering but (with thought & time to sleep on it i kinda like bein in the halfway house ya know...im not goin anywhere i do consider NAM my M.U.G.E.N. home and a place to set up shop and whatnot and i'm pretty much cool with everybody here
"Because he's the potential newager that N.A.M. deserves, but not the one it needs right now ...and so we'll hunt him ...because he can take it ...because he's not a hero ...he's a silent guardian in carolina blue, a watchful protector