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Pimp My Mugen! Request thread for paid upgrades and mods?

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Pimp My Mugen! Request thread for paid upgrades and mods? Wcz4RWt
Kindred Spirit (Bronze)
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Hey guys i know theres a bottomless pit of crazy talent hiding in the shadows here at newagemugen that make some insane creations so i was wondering could we have a submission thread where we submit chars or stages or screenpacks and request cosmetic upgrades or tweaks or mods?
Of course i dont expect it to be free, by donation or conmission to the accepting modder of course.
So like say i wanted to give a stage an upgrade or a lifebar some extra shine, or even character auras and stuff.
Ive seen it done before on private releases so id be happy to support getting some of my favorite stuff pimped.
Let me know what u guys think of this suggestion!

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Vermilion Spy

Vermilion Spy

Pimp My Mugen! Request thread for paid upgrades and mods? 51937087073_50975dcb2f_o
卍♆★Divine Overseer★♆卍
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Kindred Spirit (Gold)
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Taunting The Devil (Gold)
Newagemugen Member for Over 7 Years

Essentially, this already exists in the format of Mugen Commission requests.
You can request a remake or submit an old creation and request a mugen commission to recreate it as you prefer via the commissions request section

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