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[720p | 1.1] Super V Dash: Rainbow Edition Lifebars by president devon (21.03.16)

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JJ Darko

JJ Darko

[720p | 1.1] Super V Dash: Rainbow Edition Lifebars by president devon (21.03.16) 42463946061_c82f3ae03a_o
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[720p | 1.1] Super V Dash: Rainbow Edition Lifebars by president devon (21.03.16)

Here are some Street Fighter V inspired Lifebars that were quite popular back in the day.
They are mostly known for being used by the popular YT Mugen Channel, Arino games.

The author Devon is a Mugen screenpack creator from New Zealand mostly affiliated with the Mugen Fighters Guild Forum.
There are custom portraits and PSD templates included to make your own below.

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