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Uni Oken greets everyone: Russian theme

Uni Oken
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1Uni Oken greets everyone: Russian theme Empty Uni Oken greets everyone: Russian theme Tue Nov 21, 2023 8:58 pm

Uni Oken

Uni Oken

Uni Oken greets everyone: Russian theme Ya01log
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Hello, MUGEN brothers (and sisters?). Being in MUGEN for relatively long time, I happen to be still a... mugen noob in some ways. And I am absolutely not a creator of characters/stages/anything that demands to be a programming/coding expert and/or graphical artist. I am but a collector, and a bit of some kinda storymaker, crossover lover.

My English is imperfect, because I am a Russian. I have no trouble understanding English, but to formulate sentences in that great language, that is a bit more complicate task to me.

My profile could probably tell a bit more about me. I could answer any reasonable questions (if someone asks them) and consider any reasonable suggestions (if someone makes them). Thanks to anyone, in advance.

That's it for now... =$

Last edited by Uni Oken on Tue Aug 13, 2024 8:54 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Uni Oken greets everyone: Russian theme 52697050446_f068e68a44_o
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Welcome to Newagemugen bro!

No questions from me, but if you make storys videos or whatever, share them here so we can see!


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Uni Oken

Uni Oken

Uni Oken greets everyone: Russian theme Ya01log
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"...if you make storys videos or whatever, share them here so we can see!" (с)

Sadly, I don't know how to make videos. As we Russians usually say, I have 'holes in my hands' (у меня руки дырявые). Do English-speakers call the phenomenon "hands-of-stone"?..
I. e.  I personally have a bad situation when I try to obtain skills that many people possess.
I usually have no success when I try working with my hands.

I am just writing some stories, and looking forward to make some sorta fanfics (to have some base under my Mugen collections). For example, I am really bothered/annoyed by the fact that there is still no any coherent, impressive plot about Kung Fu Man (even if it would be a parody).

I am kinda dreamer, or such. And I am an art historian, an observer of popular franchises/settings/stories and cultural phenomena, especially in mass (!) culture. I have some education in philosophy, philology and art history. And a bit in psychology, too.

I have some chances of becoming a writer and/or screenwriter... I used to work as a literature editor and as a critic... Nothing but that.
I have certain knowledge AND skills in figuring out stories/plots/settings as is. Not in the making of videos.
All that permits me to simultaneously observe MANY different plots and characters... and to STILL retain my sanity in the process :lol:

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welcome friend, to newagemugen.
We welcome all brothers from Russia to enjoy the forum.
It doesnt matter if you lack certain skills, what matters is you have the desire to learn more about mugen, art, design, and any craft that will help you grow and develop as a person.
The greatest gift humans have is the gift of creation and evolution.
This is the code that I always live by.
Tell us about life in Russia, and where you come from, I am always very interested in Russian culture

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welcome amigo!
we look forward to seeing what you have to offer!

Uni Oken greets everyone: Russian theme P21sO8E

6Uni Oken greets everyone: Russian theme Empty to *Ex-Sirius* Tue Nov 28, 2023 1:01 pm

Uni Oken

Uni Oken

Uni Oken greets everyone: Russian theme Ya01log
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To *Ex-Sirius*

"The greatest gift humans have is the gift of creation and evolution.
This is the code that I always live by."

I gladly agree with such a decent code.

"Tell us about life in Russia, and where you come from, I am always very interested in Russian culture."(c)

Thanks for the asking, it makes me happier.
I, to be more precise, am from West Siberia, just near Ural Mountains. And I am still living there.
To learn more about life in Russia, kindly ask exact questions.

Uni Oken

Uni Oken

Uni Oken greets everyone: Russian theme Ya01log
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Ah ha! Almost forgot (my age starts to show itself little by little... And I have my birthday today, December, 2!)

I can also write poetry.

Not so long ago, I wrote this song about Mugen.

It should be sung to the traditional tune of Russian ditties.

Russian ditties, частушки, chastooshki (stress on 'oo', literally 'couplets that are sung in large numbers and almost without pauses'),
are traditional (mostly rural) Russian folk comical couplets, sometimes with frivolous, satirical or obscene content, or at least perky and funny. They are performed as an accompaniment for a merry dancing or just like that. To a balalaika or guitar, or even a cappella. To the simplest tune, Dm Am E7 Am, four-stop choreos, 2/4.
Any, not to exaggerate, really  any  Russian does know how to sing that tune, absolutely, definitely and guaranteed.

Like this:
DAda DAda DAda DAda
DAda DAda DAda DA...


(Ditties about MUGEN)

Собирались, озирались. [sabirAlis azirAlis]
Мы - из тысячи миров! [my iz tYsyechi mirOf]
Мы умений нахватались, [my umYEnii nakhvatAlis]
в нас задору - будь здоров. [vnas zadOru buht' zdarOf]

Друг на друга мы в атаку - [druhg na drUHga my vatAku]
вот такая формула. [vot takAya fOrmula]
А зачем нам в эту драку? [azachEm nam vEHtu drAku]
Видно, что-то дёрнуло. [v_I_dna shtOta dYOrnula]

А сражаться мы умеем [asrazhAtsa my umYEyem]
хорошо ли, плохо ли. [kharashOli plOkhali]
Нам по харе надавали - [nampakhAri nadavAli]
мы слегка поохали. [my slekhkA paOkhali]

Позабыта Кеном мера - [pazabYta kYEnam mYEra]
он дерётся с Пикачу. [on derYOtsa spikachU]
Вижу Симпсона Гомера, [v_I_zhu s_I_mpsana gahmYEra]
отлупить его хочу. [atluhp_I_t' yevO khachU]

Атакует Шао Кан  [atakOOyet shAo kAHn]
анимешных девочек. [animEshnykh dYEvachek]
Сталина гоняет бард [stAlinA ganYAyet bard]
с помощью припевочек. [spOmoshchyu pripYEvachek]

Мучит ниндзя-черепашек [mOOchit n_I_ndzya cheryepAshek]
и каких-то "чебурашек" [ee kak_I_khta cheburAshek]
что-то очень злобное [shtOta Ochen' zlObnaye]
и ктулхоподобное. [i ktulkhapadObnaye]

А бойцы из Марвела [abaitsY izmArvela]
нарушают правила. [naruhshAyut prAvila]
А бойцы из Capcom [abaitsY iz kApkom]
их гоняют тапком. [ikh ganyAyut tApkam]

А каляки и маляки - [akalyAki imalyAki]
все по жизни забияки. [fsye pazh_I_zni zabiYAki]
Пусть рукой ребёнка - [poost' rukOi rebYOnka]
но и в них силёнка! [noh i v nikh silYOnka]

ОборвАлась жИзня [abarvAlas' zh_I_znya]
у крутого ниндзя. [ookruhtOva n_I_ndzya]
Ниндзя возродился - [n_I_ndzya vazrad_I_Lsa]
и наворотился. [inavarat_I_Lsa]

Что за блин, едрёна мать? [shtozabl_I_n yedrYOna mat']
Как же босса заломать? [kAkzhe bOssa zalamAt']
Это вот создание - [etavOt sazdAniye]
не для заломания. [nyEhdlya zalamAniya]

Открываем мини-игры, [atkryvAyem m_I_ni _I_gry]
собираем бонусы. [sabirAyem bOnusy]
Там враги - "драконы", "тигры", - [tamvrag_I_ drakOny t_I_gry]
как умеем, боремся. [kak umYEyem bOryemsya]

Вот какой-то джентэльмэн, [vot kakOita dzhentel'mEn]
он зовётся Кунфумэн. [on zavYOtsa kunfumEn]
У него полно клонов - [oo nyevO palnO klahnOf]
наклепали пацанов. [naklyepAli patsanOf]

Вот имбовый Леголас - [vot imbOvyi lyegalAs]
подкрути ему баланс. [patkrut_I_ yemOO balAns]
А вот эта рожа [a votEta rOzha]
ничего не может. [nichevO nyemOzhet]

Эту рожу сотворяли [eturOzhu satvarYAli]
для неумной шуточки. [dlya nyeOOmnai shOOtachki]
Не держи ее в команде, [nyeh dyerzh_I_ yeyO fkamAndye]
просто ни минуточки. [prOsta niminOOtachki]

Ах, разборка! Вот подборка [akh razbOrka vot padbOrka]
с разными героями. [srAznymi gerOyami]
Строили мы, строили - [strOili my strOili]
наконец построили. [nakanyEts pastrOili]

Что виною, мы не знаем - [shto vinOyu my nyeh znAyem]
воспитанье или ген. [vaspitAnye _I_li gyen]
Жить без боя не желаем - [zhit' byez bOya nyeh zhelAyem]
так на то он и Муген! [dak na toh on i mugyEn]

* * *

NOTE 1: _I_ means a stressed [ee], as in 'fEEling' or 'redEEmer'.
NOTE 2: apostroph after a consonant (for example, будь boot') means specific softening of that consonant, the factor that doesn't exist in English (in our example, it sounds like an extremely short "bOOti", where i is just half-vowel.
NOTE 3: the song is partially stylized, it was partly and purely intentionally written not in the "literature Russian",
but in some rural, rude Russian slang, not suitable for official cases. But Russian ditties are never sung in official situations.

* * *

Literal translation of the text:

We gathered, looked around. We are from a thousand worlds! We have casually acquired some skills, we have such an enthusiasm, wow!
We attack each other, that's the formula. Why do we need to get into this fight? Something must have  provoked us unwittingly.
Generally, we kinda know how to fight, whether that skill of us is good or bad. They gave us a hard time. they had kicked the crap out of us, so we whimpered a bit.
Ken Masters seemingly doesn't know when to stop, because he challenged Pikachu! And I see Homer Simpson, and I want to beat him up.
Shao Kahn is attacking anime moe kawaii girls! Some medieval bard gives a hard time to Joseph Stalin, using the songs as weapons.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and some other bizarre creatures are tortured by some evil Cthulhi-like multi-tentacle thing.
And Marvel fighters are breaking the rules. And Capcom fighters are giving them a chase, hitting them with a slipper.
Fighters with crude amateur design are, still, natural born bullies. They may be child art, but anyways they have some strength!
The life of a powerful ninja was cut short. Still, the ninja was resurrected after that, and immediately upgraded himself.
What the bloody damn!? How was I supposed to overcome this exact boss?! Seems that this creature isn't here to be beaten.
We find minigames, we try to get bonuses from them. We find mostly enemies inside, for example, there were 'Dragons', 'Tigers', so we fight them, doing our best.
Here's a gentleman, he's called Kung Fu Man. He's got a lot of clones, someone was 'churning' these boys tirelessly.
Legolas looks overpowered, you should adjust his parameters to tone him down. And look that another guy, he is good for absolutely nothing!
That guy was created just for a dumb prank. Get rid of him, never add him to the roster anymore.
I like such a rumble, such a jam! We see a roster, filled of different characters. We had worked hard to compile such a roster, here's well-earned success!
We do not know what's to blame, some strange genes in our families, or the way we were raised? Anyway, we wouldn't appreciate the life if that would be deprived of fights. So MUGEN comes in handy!



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i never thought the day would come i see a russian folk song about mugen lol!
well ive seen it all now^^
also welcome^^

Uni Oken

Uni Oken

Uni Oken greets everyone: Russian theme Ya01log
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Are some external links (to Youtube) permitted? If not, kindly delete the 'offending' post, but be so nice to never ban me personally.

Below are two more fruits of my long-term passion for video games.

In the Russian geek-and-fanboy community, when I was younger, it was massively usual (and fully acceptable) to compose filk (извраты, izvrAty)... The filk, that is, to write other verses (on topics of interest to the community) based on popular songs. Or even based on some not very well-known ones.

Such a filk can easily be sung to the tune of the original source, if you know this tune.

Mikhail Krug (1962--2002) was a singer and poet who was writing verses and singing mostly for thieves and businessmen (including semi-criminal ones), following the specific style preferred by them. Here the best hit by Krug, the original source for the filk below:

Михаил Круг
"Прощёное воскресенье, или Приходите в мой дом"

Mikhail Krug
"The Shrove Sunday, or Come to My Home!"

(NOTE: Religious Russians believe that at one specific Sunday during each Shrove, people should forgive the faults to each other, pronouncing an oath to sincerely and immediately do that.)

Я закрою глаза, [ya zakrOyu glazA]
я забуду обиды, [ya zabOOdu ahb_I_dy]
я прощу даже то, [ya prashchOO dAzhe to]
что не стоит прощать. [shto nyestOit prashchat']
Приходите в мой дом - [prikhad_I_tye vmoi dom]
мои двери открыты! [m_A_i dvyEri atkrYty]
Буду песни вам петь [bOOdu pyEsni vam pyet']
и вином угощать. [ivinOm ugashchAt']

Буду песни вам петь [bOOdu pyEsni vam pyet']
про судьбу и разлуку, [pra suhd'bOO irazlOOku]
про весёлую жизнь [pravesyOluyu zhiz'n']
и нелепую смесь. [inelyEpuyu smyes']
И, как прежде, в глаза [ikakpryEzhdye vglazA]
мы посмотрим друг другу. [mypasmOtrim druhgdrOOgu]
И, конечно, ещё [ikanyEshna yeshchO]
мне захочется спеть. [mnyezakhOchetsa spyet']

И тогда я спою [itagdA yaspayOO]
до слезы. До рассвета [daslyezY darassvyEta]
будет время дрожать [bUHdet vryEmya drazhAt']
на звенящей струне. [nazvyenyAshchei struhnyE]
А я буду вам петь [ayabOOdu vampyEt']
и надеяться где-то, [inadyEyatsa gdyEta]
Что не скажете худо [shtonyeskAzhetye khOOda]
никогда обо мне. [nikagdA abamnyE]

Я закрою глаза, [ya zakrOyu glazA]
я обиды забуду, [ya ab_I_dy zabOOdu]
Я прощу всё, что можно [yaprashchOO fsyoshtomOzhna]
и всё, что нельзя... [ifsyO shtonel'zyA]
Но другим никогда, [nodruhg_I_m nikagdA]
видит Бог, я не буду. [viditbOkh yanyebOOdu]
Если что-то не так, [yeslishtOta nyetAk]
вы простите меня. [vyprast_i_tye myenyA]

The translation:
1.I will close my eyes, I will forget the insults, I will even forgive such things that shouldn't be forgiven. Come to my home, my doors are open! I will sing songs for you and treat you to wine.
2.I will sing for you some songs about fate and separation, about a fun life, and about some ridiculous mix. And, as before, we will look into each other's eyes. And, of course, I'll want to sing again.
3.And then I will sing until I cry. The time itself will resonate on my ringing string, until dawn. And, singing for y'all, I will have some modest hope that you will never say anything bad about me.
4.I will close my eyes, I will forget the insults, I will forgive everything that is to be forgiven and everything that isn't... But God knows I will never change, I will always be the same. If something is wrong, please forgive me.

* * *

I always was very fond not just of fighting (one-on-one) games, but of beat' em ups (like Double Dragon, Final Fight and Streets of Rage), too. So I made a filk song, based on Krug's superhit.

Уни Окен
"Избивалка, или Побей их всех"

Uni Oken
"Beat' em up"

Путь мой ясен и прост. [pOOt'moi yAsen i prost]
Не забыл я обиды, [nyezabYl yaab_I_dy]
не простил ничего, [nyeprast_I_L nichevO]
ведь не стоит прощать. [vit' nyestOit prashchAt']
Подходите ко мне, [patkhad_I_tye kamnyE]
если долго не биты! [yeslidOlga nyeb_I_ty]
Буду в морды совать [buhduvmOrdy savAt']
и пинком угощать. [ipinkOm ugashchAt']

Пули вас не берут - [puhlivAs nyebyerOOt]
но и нам словно камни, [no inAm slovnakAmni]
небольшие совсем, [nyebal'sh_I_ye savsyEm]
вот такие дела. [vottak_I_ya dyeLA]
Бьётесь вы не за то! [byotyes'vY nyezatO]
И, конечно, судьба мне [ikanyEshna sut'bAmnye]
сделать так, чтоб халява [zdyelat'tak shtop khalyAva]
жизни вам не спасла. [zhiznivAm nyespaslA]

Кулаки не собьём - [kuhlak_I_ nyesabyOm]
их усилили чары. [ikhus_I_LiLi chAry]
Нас поди напугай, [naspad_I_ napuhgAi]
нас поди утоми! [naspad_I_ utam_I_]
Вы вписались не к тем - [vyfpisAlis' nyektyEm]
мы явились для кары. [my yav_I_Lis' dLyakAry]
Вы творили отстой - [vytvar_I_li atstOi]
ну нельзя так с людьми! [noonyel'zyAtak sLyud'm_I_]

Я себя не щажу - [yasyebyA nyeshchazhOO]
и пощады не знаю. [ipashchAdy nyeznAyu]
Плоть у гадов хрупка, [plOt' ugAdof khrupkA]
как ударю - хрустит. [kakuhdAryu khrust_I_t]
Вышибаю я дух... [vyshibAyu yadOOkh]
И хребты я ломаю... [ikhrebtY yalamAyu]
Если что-то не так - [yeslishtOta nyetAk]
Бог, наверно, простит. [bokh navyErna prast_I_t]

The translation:
1.My way is evident and simple. I have not forgotten the offense, I have not forgiven anything, because it shouldn't be forgiven. Get closer to me, villains, if you weren't battered for a long time! My fists will break your faces, and y'all will taste my kicks.
2.Bullets can't seriously harm your bodies. Bullets can't kill you, but the same goes with me and my buddies (who help me fighting against y'all), our bodies react to your bullets as to some pretty small and feeble pebbles, the situation is like this. Your faction is fighting for the wrong cause! And, of course, my mission and my destiny is to make it so that your freebie might [granted to y'all by your superiors, but, honestly, never truly earned by y'all] wouldn't be able to save your lives.
3.We won't harm our fists while hitting you, because our hands are strengthened by the magic. We can't be scared, and we won't become tired. You have joined the wrong faction, so we came to punish y'all. You've been doing sh*t. Try to understand that people shouldn't be treated the way you treat them!
4.I never spare myself, so I never spare my enemies either, I never show mercy to them. The villains have fragile bodies, which snap with loud crunching noise as I hit them. I hit enemies pretty hard, which sometimes proves lethal to them... And I snap their spines... If something is wrong, God will probably forgive me.

Uni Oken

Uni Oken

Uni Oken greets everyone: Russian theme Ya01log
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And the second song on the same topic...

* * *

Vladimir (maybe Vladilen?) Kozhemyakin is a poet whom I don't know, and this song is old and rather obscure. This exact song was intended to impress, mostly, poetic (and/or idealist) Soviet teenagers.
If that really was Vladilen (!) Kozhemyakin of Samara, so he lived in 1931--1984.

Владимир (Владилен?) Кожемякин
"Фиолетовый фрегат"

Vladimir (Vladilen?) Kozhemyakin
"The Purple Frigate"
(some teenager girl sings the original source)

Нарисован на листке [narisOvan nalistkyE]
фиолетовый фрегат. [fialyEtavyi fryegAt]
Я держу листок в руке, [yaderzhOO listOk vrukyE]
а в снастях ветра гудят. [avsnastyAkh vyetrA guhdyAt]
Фиолетовых чернил [fialyEtavykh chern_I_L]
для фрегата не жалел - [dlyAfryegAHta nyezhalyEL]
я хотел, чтоб он поплыл [yakhatyEl shtobOn papLYL]
или даже полетел. [iLidAzhe paLyetyEL]

Отыскал я океан, [ahtyskAl ya akyeAn]
где найти его нельзя, [gdyenaitt_I_ yevO nel'zyA]
и сквозь солнечный туман [iskvos'sOlnyechnyi tuhmAn]
я увидел паруса, [ya uhv_I_dyel paruhsA]
и тогда нарисовал [itagdA narisavAL]
в море ветреный закат, [vmOrye vyEtryenyi zakAt]
и по гребням волн взлетал [ipagryebnyam voLn vzLyetAL]
фиолетовый фрегат. [fialyEtavyi fryegAt]

Мой фрегат, [moi fryegAt]
придуманный мечтою! [pridOOmannyi myechtOyu]
Пусть горят [pust' garyAt]
созвездья над тобою. [sazvyEzdya nattabOyu]
Корабли [karabL_I_]
стремительного счастья [strem_I_tel'nava shchAstya]
у земли [uhzemL_I_]
не требуют участья. [nyetryEbuyut uchAstya]

Разлинованная жизнь [razlinOvannaya zhizn']
на домашних якорях... [nadamAshnikh yakaryAkh]
На листке фрегат лежит [nalistkyE fryegAt Lyezh_I_t]
и тоскует о морях. [itaskOOyet amaryAkh]
Он бы взял на абордаж [OnbyvzyAL na abardAzh]
мой покой и мой уют! [moipakOi imoi uyOOt]
Фиолетовый мираж [fialyEtavyi mirAzh]
над волнами узнаю. [nadvalnAmi uznayOO]

The translation:
1.A purple frigate is drawn on a piece of paper, on a former page of a copybook. I'm holding this piece of paper in my hand, and I can hear the winds humming in the frigate's rigging. I didn't spare purple ink, I used pretty much of it to properly draw the frigate, I wanted the ship to be afloat or even to fly in the skies.
2.I have found an ocean where such ship could not be found, and then, I have seen sails through the sun-filled mist. So I have drawn a windy sunset at sea, and a purple frigate that was almost ready to fly, when the half-stormy waves were busy throwing the ship up.
CHORUS: O my frigate, that came into my dreams! May the constellations shine above you. Ships represent swift happiness, and they don't care much if the inhabitants of the solid land care of them or not.
3.My life is fully lined like a page of a copybook, I am moored by my home and my mundane duties, they are my anchors... The piece of paper lays idle, and the drawn frigate longs for the seas. He would have boarded my peace and my comfort. I can recognize the purple mirage above the seawaves.
(Chorus is repeated)


Уни Окен
"Избивалка 2: Фиолетовый фингал"

Uni Oken
"Beat 'em Up 2: A Purple Bruise"

У парнишки на щеке [uhparn_I_shki nashchekyE]
фиолетовый фингал. [fialyEtavyi fingAL]
Я держу кастет в руке [yaderzhOO kastyEt vrukyE]
и гляжу, кого пинал. [iglyazhOO kavO pinAL]
Я своих немалых сил [yasva_I_kh nyemAlykh siL]
для парнишки не жалел - [dlyaparn_I_shki nyezhalyEl]
я хотел, чтоб он "поплыл" [yakhatyEl shtobOn papLYL]
или даже полетел. [iLidAzhe paLyetyEL]

Он пытался продолжать - [On pytAHLsya pradalzhAt']
вот добавочка ему. [votdabAvachka yemOO]
Догадается сбежать - [dagadAyetsa sbezhAt']
жизнь его я не возьму. [zhizn' yevO ya nevaz'moo]
Избегаю убивать - [izbyegayu ubivAt']
но при случае мочу. [noprisLOOchaye machOO]
Смерть убийцам я несу, [smyert' uhb_I_itsam yanyesOO]
а мученья - палачу. [amuhchEnya palachOO]

Мальчик мой, [mal'chikmOi]
покрытый синяками! [pakrYtyi sinyakAmi]
Я с тобой [yastabOi]
расчёлся тумаками. [ras chOlsya tuhmakAmi]
Нанялся [nanyelsA]
ты к очень гадким дядям - [tykOchen' gAtkim dyAdyam]
подлецам, [padlyetsAm]
ублюдкам, негодяям. [uhblyUtkam nyegadyAyam]

Их терпеть я не желал - [ikhtyerpyEt' yanyezheLAL]
откровенно говорю. [atkravyEnna gavaryOO]
Фиолетовый фингал [fialyEtavyi fingAL]
я поставлю главарю. [yapastAvlyu glavaryOO]
Я возьму на абордаж [yavaz'mOO na abardAzh]
их покой и их уют! [ikhpakOi i ikh uyOOt]
Страшен раж, трясусь я аж, [strAshen rAzh tryasOOs' ya azh]
может, даже не убьют. [mOzhet dAzhe nye uhbyOOt]

О фингал, [oh fingAL]
подаренный ногою! [padAryennyi nagOyu]
Я нахал, [yanakhAL]
и я жесток порою. [iyA zhestOk parOyu]
Тумаки - [tuhmak_I_]
язык больших и сильных - [yezYk baL'sh_I_kh is_I_L'nykh]
завели [zaviL_I_]
меня в тупик насилья. [menyA vtuhp_I_k nas_I_Lya]

The translation:
1.The guy has a purple bruise on his cheek. With my brass knuckles in hand, I observe this guy who was kicked by me one minute ago. I didn't spare my considerable strength, I used pretty much of it to properly beat up the said guy. I wanted him to be dizzied. Or let him even be knocked up into the air so he'd fall to the ground.
2.He had tried to never give up, to keep fighting, so he had a bit more from me. If he will be clever enough to run away at last, I won't take his life. Usually I avoid killing, but on special occasions, I still kill people. I bring death to murderers, and I bring torment to sadists.
1ST CHORUS: My poor bruised boy! I got even with you, using my punches. Some pretty nasty characters hired you. They are bastards, dirty rotten scoundrels.
3.Frankly speaking, I won't tolerate them (their actions). Their head honcho will receive a similar purple bruise from me. I can board their peace and their comfort! My rage is tremendous, it even makes me vibrating, so maybe I even will be able to stay alive after all.
2ND CHORUS: O the bruise, granted by my foot! I'm brash, and I'm cruel sometimes. The batterings are the language of big and strong people, but all that violence threatens to ruin my life, even if I won't be killed. My life already starts to be dull and to resemble a dead end.

11Uni Oken greets everyone: Russian theme Empty Re: Uni Oken greets everyone: Russian theme Thu Dec 14, 2023 10:17 pm



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russia is awesome because:


Uni Oken greets everyone: Russian theme I2Dg5Fs

12Uni Oken greets everyone: Russian theme Empty Re: Uni Oken greets everyone: Russian theme Fri Dec 15, 2023 12:07 am

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To MangoSauce:

And not just because of that :)

Uni Oken

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Ho!!! На чужой сторонушке рад "своей воронушке" (the meaning: in a foreign land, a man is glad to see a compatriot!).
In the Peter Punkass game "Mortal Kombat Konquest" (adaptation of the TV series "Mortal Kombat: Conquest", 1998), there is something from Russians!..

Being a Russian man, I could suppose that the "Jackie Chan" character (at least exactly him), that is inside that game, was made by a Russian person. Russians (particularly me) do love MUGEN and MKP!
The 'com' file of Jackie Chan contains Russian inscriptions (after ";" in some lines).
Дальняя подсечка means "slide", быстрый наезд means "fast dash", фиребол (intentional misspelling instead of файербол) means "fireball", dvoinoi means "double".
And "kyshaet" means "he eats" (with comical politeness and intentional misspelling; it should be kOOshayet = кушает).
And if you press down, down, Start (by default), Jackie will do an additional taunt: he will hold out a giant condom and call the opponent "Gundon!". It's a purely Russian joke: Russians rudely call an inept, weak and stupid man "гондон" (read it [гандОн = gundOn]) which literally means "condom". No similar joke/insult about a condom exists in the English or Chinese language, as far as I know.

If I discover other Russian texts/jokes inside the game (and/or inside any other MUGEN/MKP game), I will gladly translate/explain them to the audience, gentlemen.

14Uni Oken greets everyone: Russian theme Empty Re: Uni Oken greets everyone: Russian theme Sun Jun 16, 2024 12:44 pm

JJ Darko

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Lol thats pretty funny.
I heard russia has lots of martial arts like sambo which is supposed to be zangief from SFs style.
Tell us about russian martial arts

Uni Oken

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Tell us about russian martial arts (c)

I'd be glad to... I love the martial arts as they are (as a topic)... But I'm not an expert in any way, I know too little about any martial arts, especially the Russian ones.
I had heard about just 2 specific (national) russian styles of martial arts, and sometimes I had watched them in action (and even was beaten once or twice by their practitioners):

1. Sambo (= SAHMohoborOna Bez OrOOzhiya, САМооборона Без Оружия, сам.б.о., sam.b.o., which translates as "Non-Armed Self-Defense", kinda N.A.S.D.) -- some sort of a specific wrestling, based on the freestyle wrestling, with some elements of judo and of jujutsu and of Middle-Asian (Uzbekistan, Turkomanistan) wrestling named "QurAsh" or "QurEsh". Many grappling techniques / throws / pain-inducing moves. Russian enforcers (military men including Spetznaz men, and also policemen) often study Sambo.

2. The Russian Style (it is named exactly that plain way, Русский стиль = ROOSSkii stil' = The Russian Style). Specific Russian mix of karate, judo and some additional striking and grappling techniques. The Russian Style practitioners move [during the fight] somewhat like some Russian rural dancing men, purely intentionally. If you want to watch this fighting style in action, kindly watch the russian film "The Russian Raid" (2020), ROOSSkii Reyd, Русский рейд. But I couldn't find english subtitles for it:

And what of non-Russian martial arts...
Many Russian young men study Shotokan karate, or Kyokushin karate, or Tae Kwon Do, or Muay Thai, or Shou Dao, or judo, or mix fight, or boxing, or classical wrestling, or freestyle wrestling, or aikido/aikijutsu (the latter is sorta Steven Seagal-style; and Russians even have a cult fantasy novel series, THE WOLFHOUND by Maria Semyonova, somewhat spoofing CONAN, and exactly aikijutsu-related).

Also, Russians love films, TV series and books about martial arts.
Martial arts as they are, that's kinda cult in Russia. And so, many Russian citizens love MUGEN.

And many of Russian enforcers (Army Special Forces = Spetznaz = Войска СПЕЦиального НАЗначения, and Russian policepersons, and National Guards of Russia = Росгвардия RosgvArdiya, and FSB officials) are widely known as martial arts practitioners.

Uni Oken

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some teenager girl sings the original source... (c) Uni Oken

...and, sadly, she sings pretty poorly. See the post #10 again.

Here's the video with young Alexander (Sasha) Beloborodov, who sings the same song, "The Purple Frigate", much more aptly:

Uni Oken

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Viktor Zangief, Виктор Зангиев (the famous character from Street Fighter, obviously of Ossetian origin, if one should judge by the family name and by his face), seems to practice Sambo when he throws/does any grappling. And his striking techniques are, also obviously, somewhat in guise of the early version of the Russian Style.

Also, the character is somewhat a parody of Russian Style fighters, with their dance-like movements meant to deceive opponents and to veil the fighter's exact intentions. The climax is reached when Zangief, in one of his cinematics, does dance with Gorbachev and with Gorbachev's bodyguards!!! (Which would be absolutely impossible IRL, due to customs.) The dance that they perform is a very old (many CENTURIES!), classic Russian rural dance, named присядка (пляска вприсядку), priSYADka (pLYASka fpriSYADku), what translates as "the Squatting Dance".

This dance is not official in any way. It is absolutely unsuitable in any official situation... hence the Street-Fighter wacky humour. A President would NEVER squat in dance, especially not publicly. [A Russian Emperor or a President would just valtz with a lady... but that's it, and no any other dances, as he's not an actor, but a somewhat sacred person.] For example, Russian noblemen (and, moreover, Tsars and their associates) NEVER would perform the Squatting Dance, in ANY situations... except maybe Ivan the Terrible, 1530--1584, but ONLY during his drunken parties with his oprichniks = Special Police Force men. And the noblemen of the time were HIGHLY disapproving such habit of the Tsar Ivan, but they, -- knowing that Ivan was quick to punish, -- were afraid to express their disapproval in person (but only by correspondence).

18Uni Oken greets everyone: Russian theme Empty Re: Uni Oken greets everyone: Russian theme Tue Jul 16, 2024 12:29 pm

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...My wife Olga (1965-2024) died.
She was 5 years older than me.

19Uni Oken greets everyone: Russian theme Empty Re: About the infamous "CYKAMEHOUSE" Thu Jul 18, 2024 7:55 pm

Uni Oken

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About the infamous "CYKAMEHOUSE":

While remixing this DBZ stage, the author made a joke in a specific way obscure to a non-Russian person: kinda, someone wrote two additional letters CY on the facade of the Kamehouse. Russians like to parody latinic symbols, making them look like cyrillic ones. CY + KAME ... we need to inspect the 1st syllable, "KA-".
CY + KA is graphically resembling the russian cyrillic "СУКА" (read it [sOOkah]). And сука [sookah], -- often parodically written in latinic symbols as CYKA, cyka, -- means one of the most rude Russian insults (frequent during the online games with the participation of rude and not-too-literate Russians). That came from Russian thievery slang and means "son of a b_tch", "b_stard" or "traitor" or "rat" when we talk about a man or to him;
and the same сука means "b_tch", "sl_t", "wh_re", "female traitor" or "female rat", when we talk about a woman or to her.

Also, Russians (extremely rudely, never in the official situations) exclaim "Сука!!!" (literally "B_tch!!!") just out of being upset, with no exact address, just like English-speakers exclaim "Sh_t!!!" or "D_mn!!!".

Etymologically, сука was meaning "a female dog" (and "a she-wolf" too), but Russian dog-lovers prefer to call a female dog девочка [dyEHvachkah], that is, "a girl", to avoid rudeness.

I repeat, phonetically сука it's "Sookah!!!", with stress on "oo". Not "sAIkah" in any way. Saikah (it's cyrillically written сайка) means "a sort of edible (made of dough and baked) bun".
And not "s_I_kah". S_I_kah, seekah (cyrillically сика) is tremendously rude -- and rare -- term for a vagin, even more rude/cynical than the famous and frequent russian swearword пизда [pizdAH], also absolutely unsuitable in official situations.

In 1940s and 1950s, when in the Soviet prison camps (на зонах) "the gangsters faithful to the Streets Code" (урки по понятиям, законники, честные воры) were waging war with "the gangsters defying the Streets Code and refusing to follow it" (суки, польского закона воры, трюмильщики), --
the "faithful gangsters" were called "thieves" (воры) or "tramps" (бродяги),
and the "defying ones" were called "b_tches"/"rats" (суки), singular "b_tch" (сука).
Sometimes "rats" (суки) were managing to, in fact, control some detention camps, with the help of the administration, -- because "the gangsters faithful to the Code" (воры, "thieves", "yeggs", "tramps") were not collaborating, they were insulting the prison administration, refusing to snitch, refusing to work, etc.

Even today, in 2020s, a Russian wrongdoer (especially already been served some term in jail, сиделый), will feel offended and react aggressively, if you call him "сука", sookah (that is, "b_tch", "rat").

* * *

And that's why Russians laugh their heads off when they hear the female name Sookie (True Blood?) or the Japanese name of the villainess Otsutsuki (Naruto).
That sounds similarly to Russian "Several b_tches" / "Of a b_tch" / "Of the b_tch" (суки, [sOOki]), or "To a b_tch/To the b_tch" (суке, [sOOkyeh]).

Uni Oken

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A funny mistake!

There is a musical piece that can be found in MUGEN sound collection. This music is called, for some reason, "Konami Kukeiha Club - Lovely Otohime". So, the well-known mugenist Karl Otaku Alea, while making his "Miracle Combat" collection (demonstratively "child art"-styled), had considered this music "kinda Japan of maybe even suitable for China" and named it "China Theme" or such, and assigned this music to the "China Stage" (with crudely drawn Great Wall), meant for Huang Lee (a chinese female fighter), as an option.

Gentlemen!!! This music is NOT Chinese in any way, NOR Japanese. This is classic Russian music "KorОbushka"/"KorОbochka" (both names mean "Peddler's Box [with goods to sell]"), or "KorobEiniki" (Peddlers):

Ой, полным-полна коробушка, [Oi palnYm palnA karObushka]
Есть и ситец и парча. [yEst' isEEtyets i parchA]
Пожалей, душа-зазнобушка, [pAzhaLyEi dushA zaznObushka]
Молодецкого плеча! [mAlaDYEHtskava plyehchA]

Oh, my box is full of goods,
Calico, brocade I have.
Though my shoulder's pretty strong,
Oh my sweety, pity it!

(i.e. make my burden a bit lighter, i.e. buy something)

(the peddler loves this peasant girl, and his proposition to buy something is, in fact, seduction; and the girl loves him too, and they plan to marry later)

It's the first verses of one of the most known (worldwide!) russian classic songs. Many gamers know it as "one of the melodies from Tetris", since Alexei Pazhitnov (the Tetris creator, a Russian man) had added "Korobushka" into Tetris exactly as a "Russian meme".

In a well-known American comedy film "Heartbreakers" (2001), American female swindler (Sigourney Weaver) is trying to marry a rich tobacco tycoon (Gene Hackman), and for this purpose she pretends to be Russian, not knowing almost a word of Russian. Later, Russian musicians in the restaurant guessed that she was a pretender, and they goad her to sing "Korobushka" from the stage, because there is no Russian person who would not know this song (which is true). The liar is a pretty skilled amateur singer (among many other skills of hers), but she doesn't know the song - and that's why she starts improvising God knows what (naming Russian and Bielorussian cities, while the music plays!), and then starts to sing a song in English, but about Russia.

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