I'll be honest... I don't really know what to say. This isn't exactly one of those threads where you can comment on the creations, as they vary from creator to creator, some good, some bad, some... well... some are just there. But I will say this, I have been collecting and archiving as many of these characters as I could get my hands on, and truth be told, most of them are pretty good.
Here are some of the characters by Epigon
Gikoneko, Uraler, Pororo, and Youkanman
Here are some of the characters by SAKURA
Horaizon, Onigirimona, Romanesque, and AHYA
Here are some characters by Pkrs
Tsu and Puggy
Here are two of the most OP/broken/cheap characters by Apaleo
Manny and Scene
And here is some iconic character from 2chan overall
One thing to note about all of these characters, is that all of the really good ones, tend to have a moveset based on other characters. For example, most of them have attacks similar to Orochi/Mizuchi, Rugal, Ryu/Ken/Akuma, Iori, Kyo, and a few others. But all and all, they're all quite fascinating as characters to say the least.
I also included the entire collection of AA Out Break characters (by Donkou), mostly because the majority of these characters are from 2ch/Futaba/ASCII, but in a different art style.
Additionally, some of these characters have also been made for the Nijikaku full-game, but you can find that elsewhere.
You can download everything [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
Last edited by JoshPlaysMUGEN on Mon Oct 21, 2024 9:33 pm; edited 13 times in total