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Mugen downloads sorting suggestion?

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1Mugen downloads sorting suggestion? Empty Mugen downloads sorting suggestion? Tue Nov 09, 2021 2:05 am



Mugen downloads sorting suggestion? 49283912532_cb9be7ddac_o
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This is just an idea, but you know how we separate mugen version downloads into categories like winmugen and 1.0 and stuff,
Im suggesting we maybe dont need to anymore and just sort now by franchise?
Since people dont seem to care so much about it anymore?

2Mugen downloads sorting suggestion? Empty Re: Mugen downloads sorting suggestion? Tue Nov 09, 2021 6:47 am



Mugen downloads sorting suggestion? RjBqV68
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This is definitely something that has been discussed before.
The reason why we have always had to separate downloads into three sections, is because of the age demographic issue.
Traditionally our community was made up mostly of mid 20s - early 30s users which were prominently Winmugen and Mugen 1.0 users with little to no knowledge or experience in mugen 1.1.

That demograph has mostly died out (and for the better) so we don't need to accommodate for that demographic anymore.
I think it is time thatt we started making plans to merge all the categories to make more sense.

Mugen Forbes List and Featured Artists will stay unchanged.
But Mugen gold selection categories will all be merged and divided ideally by file type and franchise as suggested

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3Mugen downloads sorting suggestion? Empty Re: Mugen downloads sorting suggestion? Mon Nov 29, 2021 2:52 am

Vermilion Spy

Vermilion Spy

Mugen downloads sorting suggestion? 51937087073_50975dcb2f_o
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I'm actually still working on the update.
Now with Ikemen Go engine being revived and gaining some popularity, it is only a matter of time before mugen version becomes less important.
I am goinf to finish sorting all of the MVC characters into their own category and then see what is left and what needs its own additional section.
After that it will just be a matter of deciding what we do for the major changes as far as the overall website mega update as far as download sections go

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