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Idea engineering - NAMTV standards, nomination process etc. Ideas welcome!

Filthy Fredo
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Idea engineering - NAMTV standards, nomination process etc. Ideas welcome! 52697050446_f068e68a44_o
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Hey Ladz & ladies.
It has been mentioned to myself and a few others more and more recently about what the process is for getting the prestigious member exclusive benefits that are offered on Newagemugen.

As most of you regulars already know, we usually discuss nominations for stuff like monthly featured artists and such in the Shadow King's court section: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

Everything else is automatically handled via the Newagemugen ranking system which has existed since the pre-09 Gs days: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

Despite all that jazz, neither explains how certain content is selected to feature on the main NewagemugenTV youtube channel.
This was a point that was raised to me recently by a member which I thought is well worth discussing.

Obviously there IS a system in place, although that system has never been publicly discussed due to lack of real interest until recent.
This is probably due to how the popularity of the community has grown.

Either way, no system is perfect, and rather than discuss how things are done atm,
I thought maybe its a good topic of discussion to hear everyone's thoughts.

So let your ideas flow guys - what do YOU think should be the requirements/standards for gaining an exclusive banner/channel feature for 2022?

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Never really thought about it since I havent yet gotten around to doing a stage or a character for the youtibe channel but i want to do KOF stages! I do have some edits ive made i never shown off that i think are pretty out of this world compared to others I see.

To me, getting a main centre spot on the Main website youtube channel means having something nobody else can offer anywhere else.

So if its a character release or a screenpack/stage, it should be something that can only be found here at newagemugen forum.
Not some blanket upload on every forum like all the run of the mill creators do.
First they go to MFG and post. Then MFFA. Then Infinity.
It kills the incentive for newbs to come here to get the cake.

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That's actually not a bad point of view.

With such exclusivity, the contributor should be guaranteed that their content will be treated with the utmost respect...provided the content is actually worthy. I believe this should be established possibly before public release through beta testing and/or private release threads.

From a personal standpoint, if I'm guaranteed that any certain will be showcased on the front page and website, I'll drop it here EXCLUSIVELY.

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Idea engineering - NAMTV standards, nomination process etc. Ideas welcome! 51240524370_550aa649d1_o
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A quality approval checklist system or something as an idea pitch?
I always knew of Newagemugen and all those old school creators asociated with you guys like Noz and Mugen Mason as being like the gurus that made the best mugen stage screenpack stuff.
What i guess i want to say is the quality thing I think is extremely important for this thing youre talking about.

The sprite quality and the resolution and everything should look like it was a product you are selling in the game store.
There shouldnt be blurriness and fuzzies or badly cropped edges on sprites and stuff.
Im doing a bad job expalining the graphics but if you get what i mean.

Vegaz_Parrelli wrote:I believe this should be established possibly before public release through beta testing and/or private release threads.
this is a good idea, but maybe have a public submission or application thread for us forum members to critique or judge, maybe have a checklist system in the thread main post on minimum requirements, and then some experts on stages, characters, screenpacks can give advanced feedback or assessment.

xXEnchanter.ZuXx wrote:So if its a character release or a screenpack/stage, it should be something that can only be found here at newagemugen forum

Agreed that makes sense, especially since most forums are already just warehouses of each other really.
The other thing I think is important is the technical aspect of the creations

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Filthy Fredo

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because everyone is quoting the quotes i will quote too

Oxocube wrote:A quality approval checklist system or something as an idea pitch?

this is good idea actually. I think this is the best way.
Because if there is a list on the website then there is no confusion why you dont get to be feature or not and also you can see if your ability of creation is need improvement and it is the reality check because if nobody gets test then they dont know they need to learn new skill and get better also.
Maybe I can add some idea on what these list items can be

Vegaz_Parrelli wrote: if I'm guaranteed that any certain will be showcased on the front page and website, I'll drop it here EXCLUSIVELY.
I think it doesn't matter about this thing because in my opinion it is the creator decision if he she want to release creation everywhere.
But if we are going to support community it is a different subject because goal should be to make more people come here to find more skill creator



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As far as my last comment, I'd only release certain content exclusively at Newage. The rest would be released everywhere.

I think a checklist is a good idea. Just as a start. That combined with additional feedback from our peers and we can all increase our chances of growing and improving.

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Idea engineering - NAMTV standards, nomination process etc. Ideas welcome! 52697050446_f068e68a44_o
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keep the ideas flowing ladz

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A checklist like filthyfredo said is a good way to manage this kind of thing^^
Also a poll or vote scheme could work too!



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Haven't seen much more feedback. But since we're here, how bout we discuss some actual standards that are already being implemented? I'm interested to see what the current criteria is for receiving a spot on the board? Or on the youtube channel? Purely content? Advertising? Commissions perhaps? A combination of all 3? Is one worth more than the others? Like content 20%, Advertising 20%, Commissions 60%....for example?
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good question

- RE commissions etc they were introduced late 2020 (see orig info post in news section)
- RE advertising, banner advert info thread there too (also in news section.)
- RE Content etc, T&Cs for Mugen cinema network also in forum info section

Outside that, its an open discussion on how it should be managed so its fair and clear to all.
Keep them ideas flowing guys!

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xXEnchanter.ZuXx wrote:To me, getting a main centre spot on the Main website youtube channel means having something nobody else can offer anywhere else.

So if its a character release or a screenpack/stage, it should be something that can only be found here at newagemugen forum.
Not some blanket upload on every forum like all the run of the mill creators do.
First they go to MFG and post. Then MFFA. Then Infinity.
It kills the incentive for newbs to come here to get the cake.

I echo this sentiment. You definitely unique and well-made MUGEN stuff. Not saying it has to be flashy. Just nice to look at. I feel like releases are like trying to sell a book or a script. If you can't wow the editor or whoever within the first ten seconds, in the trash it goes just because there's so many. And with the internet being the way it is, you have maybe half that time now. So having a curated list of exclusive content I think will get more people involved.



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HmmmLawnmower wrote:
I feel like releases are like trying to sell a book or a script. If you can't wow the editor or whoever within the first ten seconds, in the trash it goes just because there's so many. And with the internet being the way it is, you have maybe half that time now.

yeah its very true right?^^
My idea about it is that something that is very well pieced together will make you want to go back and look at it again and again even if you dont use it yourself but just enjoy looking at it^^
I remember a long time ago i started creating my own version of a kula diamond, but then i found out there were already so many other kula diamonds and there wasn't really anything special about my one because all the other ones i saw were already so much cooler looking and had much better codes in them, so even if i released it i dont think many people would even care about it or want to see it again fear



Idea engineering - NAMTV standards, nomination process etc. Ideas welcome! 52697050446_f068e68a44_o
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Bumping this topic

Quite a few people have been hitting me and some the other staff up last few months about the banner system and how things get decided/voted etc as it is right NOW as opposed to how we will handle things going forward.

I thank everyone for their suggestions so far as some insightful input is gained here.
One thing I will mention is, as it stands, I think there is some confusion regarding the Banner system in place now and the rules/info available.

We havent really discussed it publicly because its only been something in high demand over the past few months and growing. I
know quite a few discord DMs have been flying around, and also PMs on this site and youtube etc etc.

So, lets keep this discussion going.
The goal here will be to solidify the terms/conditions/requirements for members looking for personal promotion.
Inparticular if I can have Vspy/Zu/Fredo/GFs input, and most importantly the Goldsaint crew, that would be the most valuable.
SO lets keep it goin ladz!

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Idea engineering - NAMTV standards, nomination process etc. Ideas welcome! 52681694001_b0aaf96472_o
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I've popped up in this thread several times. But I'd like to give some feedback. I've noticed that some things can be obtained by hard work and nominations such as becoming a featured artist here at Newage. But some things can only be obtained through commissions or donations. NamTV mainly showcases commissioned stages. The banners seem to only go to those who paid or donated in some way. I think this is ok, but I'd like to see the honors go to members who've been consistent in dropping content. Not only visually but in ALL aspects of mugen. Coding. Variety. New ways to play.

I know this place has been following in the footsteps of "phantoms" since day one, and that' cool. I also understand that in order for this site to stay alive, it needs funds. But there should be other ways. Continued loyalty. Bringing eyes to the site. I think these things are considered but for the most part overlooked.

The people I wanna hear from aren't really talking though. The ones who have the most say. Or any other time would have the most TO say. We need cold hard standards. Or at least a foundation. I think the threads about the banners and Newage Cinema are actually good. The provide a good set of regulations, so that's not what I'm referring to. But each one serves itself. One doesn't lead to the other. That's what I think should be the case. Some of us don't wan't more subscribers or another bill. Just a little appreciation for our continued support.

I think NAMTV is the only bit of recognition that it is not quite clear how to achieve. How are the stages picked?

Would a Cinema thread be good way of recieving a banner or is it only obtainable through commissions/donations?

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Vegaz_Parrelli wrote:NamTV mainly showcases commissioned stages. The banners seem to only go to those who paid or donated in some way. I think this is ok, but I'd like to see the honors go to members who've been consistent in dropping content. Not only visually but in ALL aspects of mugen. Coding. Variety. New ways to play.

As fan/donator/player of mugen ill say this dude, everyone thinks their shit is the best but the real test is whether or not people like it so much theyre willing to pay for it. Im the consumer so and mugens the product. Theres definitely levels So when i see mugen stuff like On th YT channel (like my EX Bars i commissioned) or the dope 3d stages from grayfox n stuff, THATS the shit i like and i donate because its a cut above imo.
I dont see that quality shit hardly anywhere else unless you can show me examples.
So imo idk what more need be done to change things?
Thats just me though.
If you can show me some undiscovered top notch shit worth rating ill give you full feedback right now

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Vermilion Spy

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Vegaz_Parrelli wrote:The people I wanna hear from aren't really talking though. The ones who have the most say. Or any other time would have the most TO say. We need cold hard standards. Or at least a foundation.
Hi @Vegaz_Parrell
GLB for the most part is retired and has entrusted community decisions to senior staff listed here:
For reference: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
As a global mod co-responsible for most decision making you're obviously referring to myself among others mentioned in the link, hence I can definitely assist you.

Vegaz_Parrelli wrote:The banners seem to only go to those who paid or donated in some way.
Banners are given for a variety of reasons not just this. What you are talking about is this:
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Vegaz_Parrelli wrote:But there should be other ways. Continued loyalty. Bringing eyes to the site. I think these things are considered but for the most part overlooked.
Nothing is overlooked. Forum staff have access to sensitive user information (usage data, traffic, audience retention etc).
We see what content is popular and how it is viewed, how frequently and by whom. We have a very clear idea of what content or members promote the most growth and benefits for our community and a very clear picture of what people organically are interested in.
We cannot publicly discuss this topic further as it conflicts with privacy policy rule#5 here:
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Vegaz_Parrelli wrote:I'd like to see the honors go to members who've been consistent in dropping content.
Credit is fairly given where credit is due. Banners are only one fan/userbase show of support offered. I think this is heavily overlooked.
Vegaz_Parrelli wrote:Some of us don't wan't more subscribers or another bill. Just a little appreciation for our continued support.

Newagemugen forums since my time as a moderator offers more appreciation for continued support than any other mugen community in history.
This is taken for granted and complacency makes people expect more for less.
Since my time as a moderator all members worthy of appreciation for continued support have been treated fairly to the best of my knowledge.
We have a featured artists section unlike most mugen forums

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even mugen archive where I am equally involved does not offer this support.

Newsletters sent to all members periodically - these feature topics or threads to help promote supporting members.
This is something no larger forums offer.

Users are allowed to have personal video channels in Mugen cinema thread
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no other forums have ever offered this exposure.

There are also always community shout outs to forum users and members all the time on NewagemugenTV.
How many Site-specific Youtube channels offer this level of support for its community would be worth investigating.

Taking these factors into consideration, Newagemugen promotes and shows gratitude to its members more than any other Mugen forum.
That being said I'm open to examples of a better job being done externally but personally i cant see anything even close.
If anything, these same discussions are needed in the wider community and not here, however that is outside my sphere of control.

Vegaz_Parrelli wrote:Not only visually but in ALL aspects of mugen. Coding. Variety. New ways to play.
Newagemugen has very clear content quality standards that speak for themselves via community support and feedback.
We are fortunate to have some of the most skilled creators in all aspects of mugen here as staff - not just visually but technically.
User data and analytics only further reinstate any decisions made as accurate in this regard.
It is up to the individual to manage his own personal wheelhouse and quality control and the current standards seem to be more than beneficial.

I hope addresses any unanswered qualms you have.
I hopefully speak for the others but if in doubt and you still have questions or anything you feel unfair about the above, you can make appeals here to all staff: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

I hope this was informative and helpful

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CancerManXIII wrote:
Vegaz_Parrelli wrote:NamTV mainly showcases commissioned stages. The banners seem to only go to those who paid or donated in some way. I think this is ok, but I'd like to see the honors go to members who've been consistent in dropping content. Not only visually but in ALL aspects of mugen. Coding. Variety. New ways to play.

As fan/donator/player of mugen ill say this dude, everyone thinks their shit is the best but the real test is whether or not people like it so much theyre willing to pay for it. Im the consumer so and mugens the product. Theres definitely levels So when i see mugen stuff like On th YT channel (like my EX Bars i commissioned) or the dope 3d stages from grayfox n stuff, THATS the shit i like and i donate because its a cut above imo.
I dont see that quality shit hardly anywhere else unless you can show me examples.
So imo idk what more need be done to change things?
Thats just me though.
If you can show me some undiscovered top notch shit worth rating ill give you full feedback right now

I figured that might get a bit of heat. I'm not against donations. The gold saints are a valuable asset to the site. I still have the WIP thread. I don't wanna post here but feel free to drop in. I'm always looking for feedback.

I hope I'm not giving the impression that I'm looking for money. Or that someone should pay for my stuff. Or you shouldn't pay for quality. Or work done. But if certain perks are only achievable through commissions/donations then I understand. I think someone mentioned having a thread to release things for critique and feedback. Possibly a WIP thread that has downloadable content that tests can share public feedback. I believe we do have a private thread actually so that may already be available.

I was posting this when Vermilion Spy posted. I thank you for your detailed and professional response. It definitely answered a ton of my questions.

I am aware of the featured artist section, cuz I'm I've been in it for the past 10 years. I'm heavily considering creating a Mugen Cinema thread as well. These are very nice, especially since it helps the youtuber immensely. Very nice indeed. I guess the featured section can be comparable to the page, except you guys actually update yours.

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I think its a great idea that we donate to support the forum and also if people want to advertise products or their twitch channels with the billboards they can commission a design for it to respect the artists who make it and their time too.
because making the artwork for the banners and things is like making a mugen creation too right just it is an artwork. If i ever have any products or somethings I want to advertise i will happily commission a banner to here to show on the home page to support the artists Thumbs Up

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Vegaz_Parrelli wrote:I hope I'm not giving the impression that I'm looking for money. Or that someone should pay for my stuff. Or you shouldn't pay for quality. Or work done. But if certain perks are only achievable through commissions/donations then I understand.

Nah not at all. I didn't get that vibe at all bro, you're alright.
But keeping it real with you Some of your feedback sounds less like feedback and more like double speak for:  
"why is xxx stuff not on the banner and not mine? I deserve it. so who do i have to see about that?"
Nothing personal dude im just playing ball as I see it. Its all love growth and feedback end of the day.
You said "some of us" but nobody else brought this up except you before here, so it must be you you're referring to but cite me if i'm off.
As far as the whole pay to play thing i dont see that. I see only top notch shit on the banners and youtube.
There's like one or two cool old creations from like 10 years ago and a handful of dope shit in the archives from the older youtubes i fuck with but other than that show me something else you think deserves a spot and i'll tell you my opinion and ill even tip them if its good enough.

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CancerManXIII wrote:
Vegaz_Parrelli wrote:I hope I'm not giving the impression that I'm looking for money. Or that someone should pay for my stuff. Or you shouldn't pay for quality. Or work done. But if certain perks are only achievable through commissions/donations then I understand.

Nah not at all. I didn't get that vibe at all bro, you're alright.
But keeping it real with you Some of your feedback sounds less like feedback and more like double speak for:  
"why is xxx stuff not on the banner and not mine? I deserve it. so who do i have to see about that?"
Nothing personal dude im just playing ball as I see it. Its all love growth and feedback end of the day.
You said "some of us" but nobody else brought this up except you before here, so it must be you you're referring to but cite me if i'm off.

Yeah, I'm talking bout me. I do have at least one other creator in mind but I'm not here speak on their behalf. Plus I don't know how they feel so I won't speak for them. And no tip needed, bro. If I got any money I'd give it to the site. I just want to be showcased and represent NAM. But here's my WIP thread. You've been there before.  B)

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Interesting talk.
My question about the getting rewarded for showing support thing is, what is your mugen activity like on other websites.
I would like to see your levels of activity on other forums compared to this one.
Post account links lets deep dive.
going off your post I guess your post count and activity is highest here than anywhere else correct?
If that is the case that seems fair to a degree. But if you do the same thing here and everywhere else thats kind of double standards because everyone shouldn't get a gold star for attendance.

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I guess all this talk has landed me in hot water. I've enjoyed the open discussion but as I've recently been demoted, I think I truly know where I stand. Thanks for at least hearing me out.

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Vermilion Spy

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Vegaz_Parrelli wrote:I guess all this talk has landed me in hot water. I've enjoyed the open discussion but as I've recently been demoted, I think I truly know where I stand. Thanks for at least hearing me out.

Hi Vegaz_Parrelli, there is no issue with anything discussed in this topic I am aware of.
Regarding account demotion, are you sure you are not reffering to usergroups as opposed to rank?
You may be referring to this april archived announcement:
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On an unrelated note regarding this topic however,
I have moved this topic to forum feedback and will archive this as complete now as it seems to have run its course for all intents and purposes.

My only suggestion to all those who participated, is in future please direct any personal account related inquiries/grievances to the appeals thread as opposed to suggestions/discussions thread which is mainly for generalized topics not pertaining to individual accounts.
You can access it via the link below:
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I'm extremely late to the pool party on this one guys.
Thankz to everyone for their feedback/suggestions and all the mod gang for filling in the gaps.
There was a ton of amazing good feedback and useful info provided by you all.

Ultimately, I think there are 3 things that can be concluded from all of this:

1. Newagemugen always has, and always will have extremely high expectations and standards.
We have always had a reputation for being the community for the professionals.
High standards of presentation/technicality must be maintained by all our aspiring team members and the current standards do indeed speak for themselves as do their download counts/views and comments. Ranks and status aside, Egos and feelings stay at the door here at newagemugen.
we only progress and improve by realizing we know NOTHING.

2. Men lie, women lie, numbers dont. Don't fix what isnt broken.
Newagemugen has continued to evolve, as Vspy mentioned, we do rely heavily on statistics and analytics to make community decisions and so far the system seems to work seamlessly.
With that said, everyone has equal opportunity to push themselves to the limits and earn notoriety in the mugen community - it just comes down to the attention to detail, skill levels and dedication of the individual.

3. Evolution is the key to survival.
We live in the data age where statistics and socials reign supreme - its either keep up or fall behind.
We are almost a complete rebuild of the old community with an almost completely new generation of members and users.
Many things have changed as far as how people interact and what motivates them, also what content people prefer.
We demand high quality content, high quality videos, and very specific things that ensure the Newagemugen brand always maintains its high standard image.
We encourage everyone to go to extreme lengths to produce only the best possible work and continue the legacy

With that said, I think this topic has served its purpose, but it has also highlighted some room for improvement in other aspects, especially as far as the newagemugen cinema network guide, which I believe needs to have some more updated information regarding correct setup and video quality standards. All these things will be considered and passed on to the forum team to update over the following months.

Keep up the awesome work guys!
Now I have commissions to attend to so i'm out like a night light Cheesin

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