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GRAYFOX wrote:I like how they look in game. Yes going down 5 pixels, would be good. So you will be adding a glitch out effect to the icons. That would be sweet as well,
GRAYFOX wrote:also when either p1 or p2 dies. Will there be a out animation or sprite. Indicating their out.
GRAYFOX wrote:Haha, right. I thought once a character was down. The default code, in the def file if the life bars would recognize it.
GRAYFOX wrote:I forgot doe, this system is not the traditional standard Mugen lifebar setup.lol But, I remember Syn having it for his full game.
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lunalucard55 wrote:these win icons are really very pretty and go well with life bars.
GRAYFOX wrote:
Ok this was a lost project, that me and Syn was working on durning the golden age.lol My pc hd crash and, Syn had retired from mugen. Due to, other important life circumstances. This was an upgrade to my old Mg sp and, sp life bars. Now, the thing I was talking about. Is when the fighter was defeated it indicated p1 ko. Also, he made it base upon the old add on system from what you was working with. Prior to patches and updating. Plush not your system integrated. Would there, be a indicator between rounds of that team member being ko. Also, I think you could steal some ideas from this. Let me know what you think. There is a lot more going on, that meets the eye.lol
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